Secure Your Rights

Liberal Pragamtic, with horrible spelling. Discussion and venting on the arts, politics, and the future of America.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Tax Traitors Beware

Americans are divided in ways we have not seen perhaps in the intirity of the first 200+ years of our existance. Conflicting agendas, confusing platforms, stolen elections, fals acusations, questionable accountability and so on, have made us put up walls of partisanship instead of looking for the best people for the job.

Face it, George W. Bush is the worst American President in history, but a President Kerry would not have been very dynamic either. President Gore? Who knows what the events of 911 would have done to him, but he did not com in to his own as human until he was on Saturday Night Live, and the few times I have seen him speak I think I am only impressed because Geoge Bush can't even formulate complete sentances.

Stop. I am not un-American. Being dissatified with the performance of your leaders is not un-American. It is, in fact, a staunchly pro-American stance. Should we be satified with anything less that the best our country has to offer as our leader? No, I want the best mind, the best heart, and the best desciion maker. George Bush is none of these. He is a manager. A bad one. Arbusto, a-bust-o; Harken, bailed out by Saudi money when debt got too big, US economy... well you know where this is going. Katrina, Iraqi civilians, Darfor... don't tell me George Bush has a good heart, he obviously couln't care less. I'm not even gonna do the brain one - lets just leave it with, when he saw someone with a Obama '04 button on during the '04 campaign his response was "you should be ashamed of yourself." Check out the big brain on George.

It is past time for the people of the country to stop fighting each other over moral issues that should not be legislated, in fact they can't be. You're opposed to abortion, don't have one. Teach your kids responcibility, volunteer to be a counsler or work with the girl scouts. Don't waste tax payer money with law suit upon lawsuit trying to ban abortion, because you know what, if you get it it will comeback to haunt you. Next another group will try and out law your religion, thats right, and you will be fucked. Or maybe they will take you precious guns away, or worse repeal the death penalty, egad!

I hate guns, but I am not an avocate of banning them. I really don't care, what I do care about is the common welfare and having a strong national economy. These are the things we all have to get on board with, because we arn't all gonna be rich, and we're not all gonna live forever. Pay your taxes people, we should never vote for someone who is going to just cut taxes, where is the patriotism in that. A vote for tax cuts is the most un-American act I can think of, it's anti-troop, anti-education, anti-healthcare, anti-life, and anti-choice. Better to find out what these people are going to do with our money, and how they are going to make our lives better, not how they are going to get elected.


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