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Monday, October 16, 2006

He's Steeleing your money....

What I want to know is who has agree that it's okay to misrepresent what is going on the MD Senate racer. I've been off this race for the past few weeks as Radical Racist George Allen is just more fun to be outraged with, but I have been disturbed by how the MD race has been covered and interpreted recently.

I posted a while back about the poll nonsense, but I have found even more damning evidence at a false assessment of Steele's chances. On hines sight (which is partisan) they have complied all of the available polling data and found Cardin polling at about 50% and Steele at about 35%. The damming factor is the trend line: Cardin holding steady, and Steele consistently dropping in support.

If making this out to be a closer race than it is, is part of some kind of DEM strategy...those close to the party...let me know, because all it does now is confirm the conservative media bias that I believe has permeated the media sin the mid 90's.

On the other hand, it also makes me feel as though a overwhelming and embarrassing defeat must be dealt to Michael Steele. I mean humiliating. The man must be purged from MD politics forever, or at the very least turned into the Marshall Coleman of Maryland. Nothing could be worse from Michael Steele than to have to back to practicing law. Why? He never passed the BAR exam that’s why. The man has no skills, and that (as much as any other reason) is why MD just can't afford to keep subsidizing this mans career. Since when was it ok for a republican to be taking hand outs? Bribes I understand, but government handouts? Michael Steele can’t make any money on his own, so he is getting it from the people of Maryland, and providing nothing in exchange.

22 day to the midterm elections. And the October surprise has to be right around the corner. Unless it a November surprise to be timed with Saddam Hussein’s sentencing on November 5th, what a coincidence.


At 1:31 AM, Blogger The Deceiver said...

If Candidate A hits 50% and holds, and candidate B can't at least hold in the high 40s, then it's all academic from there.

If you roll a 35 in a two person race, you're not winning without Sirhan Sirhan.

At 11:48 AM, Blogger Thehairyape said...

Oh, my man, let us not underestimate the magnetic candidacy of Zeese. He could pull as much as 3%...ok your right. The problem seems to be that the local media wants this race to be closer than it is and the "party" is fine with letting that slide for now.


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