Secure Your Rights

Liberal Pragamtic, with horrible spelling. Discussion and venting on the arts, politics, and the future of America.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Horse Shit on Tap

It's getting really ugly. Yesterday the DEM's put out a testimonial ad in support of candidates that support stem cell research, headlined by Michael J. Fox. The GOP reply, Rush Limbaugh claims that Fox is "acting" in the ad, as Fox's medication makes him herk and jerk just like everyone else with Parkinson’s. Chris Matthews then claims that Fox did not appear to be so sick on an episode of Boston Legal this year, which has to be the nail in the coffin for Fox since there is no way that anyone did any "editing" during the post production phase of Boston Legal - no that would be ridiculous, everyone knows that Boston Legal is one continuous shot with no cuts, just like every other hour long tv drama. Asshole.

To ad insult (literally) to slander, the RNC airs an ad about Harold Ford, Jr., featuring a playboy bunny claiming she met him at a playboy party, claiming that he took money from porn producers, hinting at the other name for the estate tax, that he is anti gun, and then ends with the same playboy bunny asking Harold to "call her" with a seductive wink. Race Baiting Assholes.

Where are these peoples mothers? Who taught them that this kind of discourse was ok. This is blatantly un-American. These people, this party, and those that support them when they act this way are Traitors. Period. And Assholes.

Frankly, this is Bull Shit. It makes me want to walk around Potomac and punch Republicans in the face.


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