Secure Your Rights

Liberal Pragamtic, with horrible spelling. Discussion and venting on the arts, politics, and the future of America.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I hate writing about this...

The Washington Post has published yet another story about Michael Steele wanting to tap into the African American Democratic population in Maryland. I would estimate that this constitutes 50% of all Post articles involing Michael Steele.

Why is the Post trying to make this campaign about race? Shouldn't it be about issues? Oh wait, Steele would loose on issues. But if Steele would loose on issues, wouldn't that be a justified loss? Dare I say, fair?

I am starting to believe that the media (I will only call them the press when I think they are doing a good job) is trying to make this race dirty because they will make more money on it if it gets dirty. The tighter a race, the more necessary large ad buys. It's possible to make a lot of money when one canidate is down and trying to catch up, but the real profit is to be made when the candidates are running (or percieved to be running) neck and neck. Then you get huge ad buys from both candidates.

So where is the check on the fourth estate? How is one established? Is the media manipulating politics? Ok, that last one is a stupid question.

Just beware Washington Post, from now on I will be counting the race based articles. Racism cuts both ways, and a mass of articles of this ilk can only be aimed at trying to encourage racism. Don't make me write another letter.

21 days until the midterm elections. Issues are king. Steele fooled MD once, don't get fooled again.


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