Secure Your Rights

Liberal Pragamtic, with horrible spelling. Discussion and venting on the arts, politics, and the future of America.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Sailing the Seas of Cheese

I've been a bit busy at work lately. Not doing work for the company mind you, I have a couple of months to go before we have anything to beat me down into a mumbling, sleepless mess, but on a friend of mines wedding video. Due to my day job I have been asked by several friends to record there weddings, which I do as a wedding present. This is the first one I have completed, I have another in the can, and one to record at the end of the month. The benefit to doing this for free is that I get to work on my own time table.

But this would not be a blog entry if I didn't have something to be annoyed with. It's kind of the flip side of the whole "What are you working on?" question that has been referenced on other publications in regard to annoying habits of the theatre community (not the sophisticated British spelling.)

Mine is the seeming inability of theatre professionals to be themselves on camera. Could it be comfortability, shame, over exuberance? I have a nastier thoughts. But as a public service I would like to just toss it out there that when you are at a wedding of a friend and someone is video taping it...chances are the more sincere, honest, and yourself you are the more use you are to the videographer and the couple who, in most cases, are shelling out a bunch of money.

While I personally enjoy off color comments, overt sexual advances, and profanity; I will hazard a guess that the couples' Grandparents and future children probably will not. Also, telling the videographer that you want a copy of it for your reel is not as funny on camera as you think.

On the other hand, I have had a blast stitching so many wonderful people together. I have even enjoyed making a Outtakes reel for the couple so that the "off color" folks can be heard, but not by the Grandparents. Future children? Well most likely they will think that DVD is an ancient format and not worth looking at.


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