Secure Your Rights

Liberal Pragamtic, with horrible spelling. Discussion and venting on the arts, politics, and the future of America.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I've Had It!

What could be better for our country than to deplete our military completely on a lost cause? You know, I almost thought that once the DEM's took over I wouldn't have to be so pissed off anymore, silly me. There seems to be no end to the dumbfuckery of our president. (as a side note, I have been capitalizing the word president our of respect of the office and because I thought that was correct, but thanks to the Wall Street Journal I can now type it in lower case, feel good about it, and pretend to be disrespectful)

First off I want to assign blame. I blame Time Magazine's Person of the Year. Thats right, 51% of that person is fucking responsible for this dim wit. It's your fault America, and now you don't even have the balls to fix the problem. The polls say you don't want the surge master/decider to escalate the war, but you don't have a say in the matter because you put the country in the hands of a retard (I realize that mentally challenged people would probably be offended by being put in the same category as the president, but I assure them that retard is a class by itself.)

I hear over and over at family gatherings or in the business world (I leave our theatre because we are hopelessly liberal) "Well, there just isn't a good answer to Iraq." I'm sick of that comment, the year is 10 days old, and I will bet you a ham sandwich that phrase is the "truthiness" of 2007. Not only that, but it's dumb as shit. Any thinking person could have (and did) come to that conclusion in 2003 when president fucks-up-the-country-and-then-blames-everyone-else was selling this stupid war. And by the way, Time Magazine's Person of the Year, your fucking wrong. There is a good answer for Iraq. It's called evolution, you know survival of the fittest. We get out and let them fight for their independence. Freedom is won not given, further proof that president numb-nuts didn't pay attention in school.

In conclusion: Time Magazine's Person of the Year - it's you mess to clean up. The president - fuck you.


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