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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

And the Lies just keep rolling...

Wow, what a shock. The Child King has appointed a Fox News minion to tell the press whats going on. And the media is reporting, not that Tony Snow is a member of the most dishonest media outlet in the world, but that he criticized the President on several occations.

What they are refering to is the truth, not criticism. And no one has mentioned that his problem with the 6 year old was that he wasn't concervative enough!

At first I thought this might be the media being kind to it's own, but then I remembered that Snow was part of the Elder's kingdom, and that's how he got his media job. This guy was never a journalist, he's a wonk. He is better looking than Scott, but I imagine that his time at the podium will be even less enlightening.

I know, Iknow, what appointment could possiblely be satifactory? None. These people want to destroy government (drown it in the bath tub, I believe is what they say) so how about not appointing anyone. Let the kid do his own press; what? is that too much "hard work?" Really, since they want to tear it all down, why not just let it fall apart. We will pick up the pieces in a few years, and then back to economic prosperity, healthy citizens, clean water, and international respect. Until people get to rich and elect another fascist out of blind greed.


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