Secure Your Rights

Liberal Pragamtic, with horrible spelling. Discussion and venting on the arts, politics, and the future of America.

Friday, March 24, 2006

They're Doing it, We should too

TIVO is my best friend. Since I have a full time job and rehearse or perform theatre at night, I don't get home until midnight most of the time. So my trust TIVO records the more important entertainment or information stuff on the tube. The point being, that after a long rehearsal last night I got home and watched the Daily Show from a couple of days ago. The Guest: Russ Feingold. The Subject: NSA spying, Yee Haw!

Anyway, the last thing John Stewert said was to go back to the courts and reverse Buckley vs. Valeo (money = free speech.) This is more important than Roe vs. Wade, and the Right is all over that. They are despirate to overturn it, so we need to push something into the system that will distract them, and do good. For all the wishy washiness of Liberals, at least we try and give people rights instead of taking them away.

That's right. I believe it could have two functions. The first being the obvious return to what the founders considered free speech (the economy was still to aggrarian to be that capitalist, plus we didn't have viable U.S. currency when the consitution was being written.) The second is to distract, annoy, and torment the Rights legal jockies with a potential case that is farmore dangerous to them than the overtureing of Roe is to us.

I haven't see any polling on this, but I bet that if it was conducted 70% of the country would think money does not = free speech. Why bother with court at that point, I think we could get a state supported consitutional ammendment. But I'm just a video editor and actor, what do I know.

The important thing is that the Left get behind it. Inculding DLC, New, and conservative Deomcrats. This country is tearing itself appart, and I expect leadership (real leadership.) So it's time to get excited about something other than the current adminstrations latest outrage or mistake, it's time to get excited about re-empowering the people that make this country what it is, all of them, not just the wealthy and not just the ones we aggree with.


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