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Liberal Pragamtic, with horrible spelling. Discussion and venting on the arts, politics, and the future of America.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Hey Macaca!

George Allen is a racist. This is not news. The news should be that he is a racist by choice. Because he thinks it's cool. That's right, he's not from Virginia, or the South, and he chooses to bring this kind of hatred into the 21st Century.

Having grown up in the state I have always been proud of the great Presidential history, and the fact that Virginia elected the first Black Governor. George Allen is a blight on the shining star that is Virginia politics (sorry new home state.)

This is perhaps a karmatic moment as George 'Radical Racist' Allen was responsible for dragging Chuck Robb through the mud in order to win the seat that he now holds. The mere presence of cocaine at a party that Robb attended was the cusp of Bigot Allen’s values campaign (I believe there was an affair as well, but you get the idea.) But what Virginia voters need to ask themselves is whether they want to be represented by a Carpet bagging, Racist, with a History of Domestic Violence?

Though Jim Webb isn't really a democrat, he's defiantly a responsible alternative to a, dare I say, asshole, who ruined the Virginia education system and created the economic policy that sent the state into spiraling debt until Mark Warner came along and fixed the mess in two years. At the very least I believe we are now safe from a Allen Presidency - ha! Like that was ever going to happen.


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