Secure Your Rights

Liberal Pragamtic, with horrible spelling. Discussion and venting on the arts, politics, and the future of America.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Unity '08, what a bunch of sad losers...

I got the info from Chris Cillizza's Post Blog like a two months a go. What a interesting concept, a unity party for '08 - a center party if you will - could be a really good thing for the country. Then I read the site today. I gave it some time from when I first checked it out, for it to develops some topics and gather a bit of history.

So looking at it today, it appears to be a secondary GOP website. Aside from some nut bag, who is pushing John Edwards, the dominate top of ticket support goes to: John McCain and Newt Gingrich. NEWT GINGRICH!!!???!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?-WTF?!?!?!?!?!

Idiots! Wake up! Newt is not now, nor has he ever been centrist. He is Stalinist. Seriously. Newt wants executive control of the military, and to dismantle the Federal Government. Electing a centrist is not electing your favorite candidate. Whoever these guy are running this thing need to brush up on there web skills and remove these people from the discussion. You guys are already a joke, and you haven't been around for more than a couple of months.

Please, if you are going to try and steal votes from the two major parties, and lets face it - DEMs are more reasonable people so your going to be going after more of the them than GOPers - then have the decency to at least make it a worth while discussion. Right now, your message boards look like...well, everyone else’s.

I am in favor of a centrist majority to keep the lunatics on the right (and the left) in check. To stop nut job executives from hamstringing medical progress because of an irrational minority view. The rights of the minority are not the question, they should and are protected, but the minority rarely drives the national agenda in the way that it has for the past 6 years. IF the concession I must make to keep that from ever, EVER, happening again is to support a centrist majority, divided government, or ask hard questions of my parties primary candidates...then so be it.

The great thing about divided government (or a centrist majority) is that real debate on issues that matter is the result. Our Congress has been a joke for 12 years; the greatest debating body in modern history has been reduced to chicken and egg presentations and an endless debate on gay marriage. November can't come soon enough.


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