Secure Your Rights

Liberal Pragamtic, with horrible spelling. Discussion and venting on the arts, politics, and the future of America.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Driving Security into the ground

Here is a national security issue that no one will touch. NASCAR is a serious threat to National Security. I am damn serious! Oil is upwards of $75 a barrel, gas is =$3.00 a gallon, and in each race 30 dudes drive 500 miles in a circle. A CIRCLE! How is the US suppose to kick it's addiction to oil when at least a quarter of the country wastes it's time watching people drive in a circle. Can't they all just watch horse racing?

It may seem like a joke, but this is the first sacrifice that needs to be made, no specifically NASCAR, but all of the wasteful entertainment that Americans indulge in. Car racing, urban sprawl, McMansion building, sky diving, night baseball and football (exceptions for Super Bowl and World Series,) obsession with lawn care and grooming, add to the list at your leisure.

I want someone to come out and face the fact that even with all the other options NASCAR may well represent the single most serious internal threat to this countries security, economically as well as tactically. But no one will. Democrats are desperately seeking the way to sway the "NASCAR dad's" vote, think this would go over well with them?

And since the Republicans still have to get rid of all the "brown" people in this country or stop other "brown" people from owning our ports (or allowing them to depending on the Republican) I can't see them alienating the base. So I openly appeal to NASCAR...please stop hurting America. The most patriotic thing you can do is to shutdown until you can find a way to have your races using some other kind of fuel. You guys are big on the patriotism so I will expect you to undertake this mission of National Importance gladly and that you would never think of it as an attack upon you personally, but that you have been offered to set a patriotic example for the rest of the country.

On your mark....set....go!


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