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Liberal Pragamtic, with horrible spelling. Discussion and venting on the arts, politics, and the future of America.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Senate Race, again

I have nothing more interesting to talk about. Ok, that's not true, but since I got called twice a day all weekend by the Democratic party I have had the Senate race in Maryland on my mind. It was also heavily discussed at a wedding I attended over the weekend. And a Post article this morning.

I am firmly in the undecided category visa vi the Democratic primary. I checked out Allan Lichtman this morning since the post made a comparison between him and the lat Paul Wellstone. If Maryland could have a Senators as dynamic as Wellstone it would be a great thing for the state, but I am not sure that is what the state wants.

I am not originally from Maryland. I came from across the river 14 years ago (the southern part of Virginia not NOVA) so I do not have the same "Maryland sensibility" as those who are indigenous. But given the kind of service that Mikulski and Sarbanes have provided for the state in the time I have been here, I think that the state is looking for a quiet hard worker. A fiscal hawk, someone who will work hard in the underbelly of the government to make it serve the people better...not just the people of Maryland, but the whole country.

I don't think the people of Maryland are looking for a dynamic Senator that will increase Maryland's profile. I wish we were, there is nothing I would rather have than an East Coast Barack Obama (and Kweisi Mfume is not that,) Paul Wellstone, or Barbra Boxer - it does not seem meant to be, though. That's ok.

We are 5 weeks out, so there is plenty of time to listen up and fall in love with one of the 100,000 Democratic candidates before the primary is over and we just fall in line.

For those of you with a vote in this, the only new news I have about any one candidate is that Ben Cardin once did Scott McCormick a favor, so you know he has a heart. And it does indeed beat. (By the way - if there are any Cardin people reading - tell him to get a hair cut, and drop the wind blown shot from his home page.)


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