Secure Your Rights

Liberal Pragamtic, with horrible spelling. Discussion and venting on the arts, politics, and the future of America.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

One week out

The time is nearing. One week until my favorite day, sadly it only comes once every two years. The President and Vice President are now running to GOP strongholds and asking this question: "Can you risk giving Democrats power?"

It is my firm belief that the real question for the entire country is: "Can you risk leaving the GOP in power?" They have only:
enabled record deficits
stood idle during national emergencies
mired the country in an expensive and unending war
refused to secure our ports
authorized huge expenditures on a symbolic fence
limited our civil rights
invaded our bedrooms
suppressed medical advancement
and the list goes on...

These are the stakes...fix government and force a redirect from nation building to anti-terrorism or...more of the same irresponsibility.

7 day, know your polling place, know your rights, know your candidates.


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