Secure Your Rights

Liberal Pragamtic, with horrible spelling. Discussion and venting on the arts, politics, and the future of America.

Monday, November 06, 2006

May the best party win.

And by that I mean the Democratic Party. Today I wish luck to McCaskill, Webb, Whitehouse, Tester, Cardin, Menendez, Ford, Jr, and Pederson in Arizona.

Here is my schedule for tomorrow.

6:00am - wake up as I will not be able to sleep.

7:00 am - arrive at work, I have the early shift anyway.

3:00 pm - Leave work

3:45 pm - arrive at my polling place, vote.

6:15 pm - view Borat in order to take my mind off of nail biting elections, or at least pass the time where there will be no information.

8:00 pm - start watching the cable news and drinking. I'll need the alcohol no matter which way it works out.

MESSAGE TO HPMELON: I use to have dreams involving George Gush and Dick Cheney right before elections. I mean, like really bad nightmares. I would wake up screaming. But I have not had them this time around. So rest easy.


At 3:05 PM, Blogger hpmelon said...

Saw Borat yesterday. It will surely take your mind off of the election, if only momentarily.

I am already feeling queasy about tomorrow.

Hope to see you again soon, and have a drink...hopefully to toast the outcome, and not cry into our beers.

At 3:38 PM, Blogger Thehairyape said...

totally. don't forget that the rnc has been push polling all weekend, so the noise machine is going make us all sick to our stomaches.

Think good thoughts.


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