Secure Your Rights

Liberal Pragamtic, with horrible spelling. Discussion and venting on the arts, politics, and the future of America.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

In Bloom

I think I have officially lost all my mirth. I am starting to hope that what I will remember about the Bush presidency (soon to be known as the dark ages) was how tired I was. tired all the time. It takes a lot of energy to stay this pissed off for this long.

In fact, I am so tired at this point - I didn't even shout out a "hurray" when old Turd-blossom announced his resignation yesterday. (hey turd-blossom is the presidents nickname for Rove, not mine - I prefer each his own.) I can't even think of anything to say about Turdy B. I'm really that tired.

I can't help but think it isn't good when a man responsible for so much ill will, division, gay bashing gets to part on his own terms in a very homo-erotic, teary rose garden press conference; instead of the handcuffs, which would probably have led to the tears and homo-eroticism anyway.

You see what I mean, all I can come up with is calling Karl Rove gay. Pathetic. I wish I have the energy to rehash all the stuff this guy stands for, how repugnant it is, where he should stick it, etc. I'm too tired. This may be Turdy B's greatest accomplishment - exhausting his enemies.


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