Secure Your Rights

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Friday, April 18, 2008

Face Battle

I think I'm losing a battle. I think I am going to have to join facebook. I think I might have to shoot myself.

There is a particular idea floating around work, which is legit and could be cool - but in order for me to be a good manager I am going to have to be able to review this ideas implementation - as well as monitor it's content. That means facebook.

I have never been much for popularity contests, and facebook just seems like one to me. I did run for class president once - I was the Ross Perot of that election. I found that my base was the disaffected, easily amused, and just plain crazy - though a case for me as a "change candidate" was well articulated by one of the vice-presidential candidates (she lost too though.)


Yeah, so my long enduring line of "I'm over 30, I'm too old for facebook..." may be going the way of the dodo. But on the bright side, I can now look forward to being virtually anti-social.

But no final decision has been made - it's still possible to figure a way out of this one.


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