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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Cigarettes and Disapointment

Yet another reason that Ohio and Texas should be expelled from the country. Along with Florida. Can't say I'm surprised by Clinton's wins in Ohio and Texas, but if she thinks she can win those states come fall, she is just a s deluded as the right wing says she is.

I find it disheartening that one of the chairs of her campaign (Sen. Barbara Ann Mikulski (D-MD) know from experience that a prolonged primary will lead to a cash short campaign come the fall. How do I know this, I heard her say it in a campaign speech in 2006 on behalf of Ben Cardin. Oh there was another speaker at that rally too, Sen. Barack Obama? Ever heard of him?

The Clinton campaign is now embarking on what may become the clearest example of Democrats sabotaging themselves. There is a case to be made at this point that she has a "me or nobody" mentality. Sure she has won the big states, states that Dennis Kusinich could win if he was the Democratic nominee. But to stand in the way of such an inspirational figure, and offer nothing but benign wonkery - tell us it's better for us - use republican tactics - and put us all at risk of 4 more years of Bush/McCain buffoonery and crazy-land-neo-world-destructionism, is just irresponsible.

On the other hand, she can't win. Might as well try and get more people to watch the convention. Although, it didn't work for the last episode of the West Wings 6th season. But it should have.


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