Secure Your Rights

Liberal Pragamtic, with horrible spelling. Discussion and venting on the arts, politics, and the future of America.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Would loosing Texas be so bad?

Does anyone really believe that there is a vast Mexican conspiacy to reannex the American Soouthwest? Must the people of this country be subjected to every crackpot theory that a former 4%er in a Presidental election vomits into what we are forced to concider a book?

Buchanan has always been a racist. He has a vested interest in white people and Generalisimo
Francisco Franco was considered a hero in his childhood home (irony?) So historically, politically, now and in the past Buchanan has been and continues to be a fan of Nationalistic Fascism. Why do people keep having to point this out. He is one of the few in this country that are to the right of the Pro-Theocratic Republicans that control that party.

Just because a person on the right criticizes the President does not mean he has a point. Too often the quest to fill the 24hour news cycle results in filling peoples heads with lies and conjecture that do nothing but fan the flames of hate for hates sake. Buchanan, Colter, Moore, and their like are a poison to debate in this country and should be forced to find legitamate subject matter (which they could if they tried) and to come up with actual source material instead of relying on the "well that s what I think, doesn't it make you mad..." argument.

It is time for Satesmen. Another "black and white" leader will put the nail in the coffin of American debate for a generation. Without debate and reason in this country how will out relativly young country ever grow into our own as a world leader? Right now it's obvious that we are acting like a young dictator to the world, one that acts on impulse and shys away from hard decisions that might benifit the country and the world in the long run. The Bush Administration insists that history will judge them, and that the Iraq decision will be the right one in the long run; but it is becoming more apparent that the war was a rash decision with a short term goal...that has failed.

So Pat, no one is listening...just like 1992...1996...2000...maybe you'd do better selling all those extra copies of "the News Twisters."


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