Secure Your Rights

Liberal Pragamtic, with horrible spelling. Discussion and venting on the arts, politics, and the future of America.

Monday, August 20, 2007

OK, I've had enough

So I sat on my over sized purple couch on Sunday morning and watched the Democratic debate on "This Week with George Stephanopoulos." Normally I am a devote of "Meet the Press" but I heard on Friday That the guest for Meet, Face the Nation, and Fox Sunday (like I'd ever watch that) would Turd Blossom, I promptly canceled the TIVO for Meet and switched.

Here is what I've had enough of:

Dennis Kucinich - I, like many I know, always get Dennis the menace as my "ideal" candidate when I take those stupid "candidate machine" things. He sounds good I guess, but he does not have the political maturity to be president. He's the dork who thinks he has the best ideas for class president, but can't garner the support to lead the class. Presidential elections are about leadership, Democrat's have had a tough time in the past couple of cycles picking a strong leader - in context of the GOP nominee. Not as hard this time around - unless Dennis is the nominee. Dennis wants to lead, and for that I applaud him; however, he doesn't have the skills to do so, he does not have the charisma, he doesn't have the pulse of the country. The real damage that Dennis is causing is the impression that he makes on undecideds that watch the DEM debates - cause he's not drawing the votes that "net progressives" seem to think he should be. I mean is he even competitive in Ohio? Time for Dennis to go.

Mike Gravel - At first I loved him. Crazy, loud, and had nothing to lose. Now he's just crazy. I really don't know what he's talking about most of the time - something about empowering the American people to become a co-equal policy branch in concert with the government. So he wants a constitutional convention - great get organizing - but that is not a platform for president of the United States. Moreover, you don't win the DEM nomination by screaming an yelling - that the other party. It was fun Mike - now go back to selling crazy in Alaska.

Chris Dodd - that a fly on your sculpted hair? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........

Lets get it down to fewer candidates. I know Obama has only agreed to 8 debates, but perhaps if the field was shrunk a bit he'd do more. Or we just wait for Obama or Edwards to walk away with the Iowa caucus and revisit debates in New Hampshire or South Carolina. Either Biden or Richardson will be about ready to pack in by then (either tired, 3 straight 5th place finishes, or out of cash,) and we could see 1 state a piece for the big three (Edwards/Iowa, Clinton/New Hampshire, and Obama/South Carolina.) At least that would be fun for me.

I would like to thank Chris Dodd for pointing out (one of the few times he did not put me to sleep) the real issue surrounding Pakistan and Gen. Musharraf. He is the only thing standing in the way of a radical Islamic state in control of nuclear weapons (notice I do not use the fake word "islamist," this is not a word and only neo cons use it- so add it to the list of what I've had enough of.)


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