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Liberal Pragamtic, with horrible spelling. Discussion and venting on the arts, politics, and the future of America.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Post Convention

I am so excited. Not just because the Convention moved in the way a good play should, culminating in a great climax - or to be plain, that the last act was the best; but because John McCain has done himself a huge disservice with his VP pick.

Gov. Palin makes Barack Obama look positively over qualified to be president. This is deadly for a man who could keel over at any minute. I'm serious, the man is old and the job is high stress.

Now I am sure that the nation will be hearing a lot of the the pundits that McCain has played the right card in or to pickup the bitter Hillary Clinton voters. And if those women wish to support a ticket that does not recognize their right to choose, has less experience, is ultra conservative, and is plainly the worst kind of pandering - so be it. The rest of us will not forget that they took their toys and went home when the going got tough. I can't help but wonder where these women were when Carol Mosley Brown was running 4 years ago. Oh right, they were voting for John Kerry. Thanks a lot.

Even better, the pick of Gov. Palin will shine a big old light on the up coming trial of Sen. Ted Stevens. Here are some of the incredible highlights of this regressive candidate:

Palin is pro-life.

Palin supports the teaching of creationism alongside evolution in schools.

She opposes same-sex marriage.

She supported a non-binding referendum on whether there should be a constitutional amendment on the matter.

Alaska was one of the first U.S. states to pass a constitutional ban on gay marriage, in 1998, along with Hawaii. Palin has stated that she supported the 1998 constitutional amendment.

Governor Palin is currently under investigation by an independent investigator hired by the legislature to determine if she abused her power when firing Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan.

That last one is really interesting - you should look it up. Or just wait a week - it will be all over television. There's sex involved.


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