Secure Your Rights

Liberal Pragamtic, with horrible spelling. Discussion and venting on the arts, politics, and the future of America.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Guns and A-Holes

Today on the progressive talk radio, my man Ed Schultz is trying to defend gun owners and the federal decision to repeal the DC handgun ban. I am going to take this time to express how tired I am of stupid fly over Americans insisting on comparing Cars to Guns. This is a ignorant comparison.

Cars are built for transporting people, goods, even information - and sometimes are a replacement for self esteem, in the case of men. Guns are made for one reason - to kill. There is no other purpose for a gun.

One does not use a gun to stir pasta, ride the metro, pacify a crying Cars are not meant to kill, you can kill someone with a car -but it talks some effort to do so, or extreme negligence.

If the gun lobby, or the "sportsmen" of the country can come up with a non-violent use for guns then I would rethink my position, but I know that they can't. And while I am at it, this "sportsmen" name they give hunters is total BS. What is sportsman-like about sneaking up on a defenseless animal and shooting it? If you're hungry, I can understand it. So why don't we give hunting licenses only to homeless people? Most of them are Vietnam Vets anyway, at least they will know how to use the guns.

My opinion of hunting is like that of NASCAR or Golf. These are indulgences that a male dominated society has insisted on calling sports. But in reality they endanger our environment, our national security, and our lives. I don't expect them to go away, but I do expect that the people who engage in these indulgences take responsibility for the damage they are doing to our country.



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