No One Has Elected You President John!
So today John McCain, in a startling act of presumption, has decided that he wants to tell Barack Obama, Congress, and President Bush what to do. In a attempt to seem like he knows a god damn thing about the economy he is proposing to postpone Fridays debate in order to have an "emergency leadership meeting." So McCain things "Boy's State" is the answer. I happen to think McCain is being oportunistic. McCain has not spent a single day in debate prep, he is now down by 9 points in the polls, and he doesn't want to get his ass kicked. You know what they do in sports when this happens - the team that doesn't show up forfits. Worse, this is McCain prestending to put the country first, but really just putting himself first. If he had expertice on the economy I would say it was a good idea, if his previuos reform legislation had not been total failures I'd say it was a good idea - but he doesn't, and they are; please John, just take your loss like a man and stop pretending you are the president - you never will be. Just be satified with being a second tier senator that no one trusts.
In other news Sarah Palin actually got something right. She said that "another Great Depresion is possible." Good for you, Sarah! Your almost as smart as everyone else in the country. Way to pick up on the obvious.
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