Secure Your Rights

Liberal Pragamtic, with horrible spelling. Discussion and venting on the arts, politics, and the future of America.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

...and Featherd

There is a new number one on the list of phrases that need to be removed from our vernacular, or once again given the strength which they once held. "I accept responsibility..." when was the last time you heard a public official say this and actually suffer any consequences?

Okay, Brownie lost his job, but he got a better one - contracting for FEMA. Bush took "responsibility" for how things have gone in Iraq - and jet we just keep letting him play in the big boy sandbox. Alberto "Speedy" Gonzales seems to be on the road to "taking responsibility" by blaming Harriot Meyers. Guess what Burt, if you are responsible, then you have to resign. No "but, the president can do what he wants," no"I trust the Senate to talk and talk and talk about this until I get to retire," and no "hey look, Hilary Clinton is beating small children! Quick shred the evidence that we hired competent, ethical people - of coarse no one will believe we hired that kind of people - shred non the less!"

That is it. You barley got confirmed by a republican Senate, what makes you think that you will survive a DEM Senate? Quit now Burt, before we drag your bad name through the mud and even the disgusting people in your own party won't have anything to do with you. Do you honestly think the people of this country will stand for an Attorney General that breaks the law? Presidents, sure...but not our top lawyer. Americans hate lawyers anyway, but a lawyer that breaks the law could be the last rung of scum that even the 18% that thinks Bush is doing the right thing in Iraq can't stomach.

I am warning you right now Burt - get out of my Department of Justice, cause I am getting a cauldron and some roof tar at Home Depot tonight, and I got my eyes on a nice rail in the parking lot of the post office behind my place of business.


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