Holy Family Values! Are people only interested in a sex scandal when it involves a Democrat? So Senator David Vitter of LA has admitted to doing it with prostitutes - and his wife turns out to be the big hypocrite in this one. She said back during the Lewinsky scandal that Hillary was too forgiving, and that she would cut off her husband's member if he ever did that to her...crotch check on the Senator anyone?
Then today, the chair of John McCain's Florida election committee gets busted for soliciting a "unspecified" sex act from a undercover cop for $20. Florida State Rep. Bob Allen says he helped build the park that all this happened in, and this is all a big misunderstanding. I suppose if the sex act was "unspecified" and it still cost $20, yeah there was a lot of misunderstanding.
Are these both not reasons to have these public officials removed from office? To the best of my knowledge neither of these guys were in Las Vegas, and therefore they broke the law. Are they suppose to slide because they have not denied breaking the law? Usually you go to jail when you admit you broke the law, just for less time. It seems if you don't admit you broke the law, you don't go to jail at all. wait, that doesn't seem right...oh yeah...if you don't admit you broke the law - and you are white and wealthy - you don't go to jail - especially if you are or work for the president of the United States.
My mom dislikes President Clinton because she thinks he is "sleazy." I think the republican party just lost her for good (as if No Child Left Behind didn't do it.)
I am happy now to call any family values voter who votes republican a dirty whore. 2008 is going to be a lot of fun.