Secure Your Rights

Liberal Pragamtic, with horrible spelling. Discussion and venting on the arts, politics, and the future of America.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Big Release

It is time for someone else to be angry. I've had the ball for 8 years and I am positive (without any doubts, waffles, or caveats) that I will no longer be blisteringly angry come November 4. So here I want to take the time to thank...George W. Bush.

Thanks for the wars, they made it impossible for your party to win. Thanks for your regressive economic policy, you fucked up our money so bad only a democrat could figure out how to undo the damage. Thanks for the character attacks, 8 years of them has made 60% of the country so discussed with that kind of thing it's libel not to work again for another 10. Thanks for your selfishness, you really have shown the American people what being a republican is all about. Thanks for the cronyism, now we know that not just anyone can do the job. Thanks for the broken government, because now we know we need one that works. Thanks for the laughs, no really the shit that comes out of your mouth is hilarious, scary, but hilarious. Thanks for beating John McCain in 2000, now we know who he really is. Thanks for all the religious self righteousness, it is more apparent than ever that we don't need religion in our politics (see chocolate and peanut butter, reverse.) Thanks for panicking on September 11, 2001, now we can recognize a real leader when we see one. Thanks for Dick Cheney, now we can recognize who should not be allowed to be Vice President (or even be allowed to tour the office of the Vice President.) Thanks for demonstrating so vibrantly why the Reagan model does not, cannot, and never will work, now we can get back to building the country instead of stuffing your wallet.

I'm sure I have missed things, but I am content to let history count the rest. So by that measure, history will be very busy in the next few decades.

In parting this post, I want to be clear that George W. Bush has so massively mismanaged this country that the next president (which will be Barack Obama, no if's, and"s, or but's) will be digging us out of a manure pile that is stacked to the moon. It will not be easy, and the republicans will come after him in 2012 - but look at the bright side: The might be stupid enough to nominate Sarah Palin for president. Now that is a joke!


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