10 years - and it's even worse
Seriously? I stopped writing because I thought Americans had finally come to their senses. A visionary bested a patriot in a free and fair election, and set forth to correct the misguided decisions our executives had been making for the previous twenty years.
Ten years later, a scary clown is president, racism and fascism are accepted points of view, newspapers are dead, television "news" is actually registered with the FCC as entertainment, adn there is not branch of the government that functions properly.
Brent Kavanaugh displayed, in very loud tones, yesterday that he is completely unfit to sit on any federal bench - let alone the Supreme Court. Anyone who supports this dumpster fire of a nominee is a garbage person. He was unqualified to begin with, out of step with the people, and holding a number of unconstitutional positions - namely his opinions on executive power and Roe v. Wade. Not controversial opinions, unconstitutional opinions - that means he is not qualified, period.
Judge Kavanaugh's personal failings aside, my real disappointment is in Senator Lindsey Graham. Now Senator Graham and I don't agree on much, it's entirely possible that the only thing we agree on is that we love America. I would never vote for Senator Graham, and I don't think he serves his state as well as he could - especially the minority citizens of his state. However; the Senator is a fantastic advocate for veterans, seniors, and wealthy white people who own vacation homes in South Carolina.
I have watched the senator debate foreign policy. We disagree, but he makes excellent points. He is well informed, well reasoned, and makes sober arguments. Until yesterday.
I wanted to vomit. Senator Graham unleashed an ignorant, misogamist, juvenile tirade during Judge Kavanaugh's testimony. He lost my respect. I can not respect a man that would act like a 15 year old in a senate committee hearing. I can not respect a man that does not think some one should not apologize for committing sexual assault. Judge Kavanaugh is guilty of sexual assault, that is clear. Was he young? Yes. Does that excuse the behavior? No. Judge Kavanaugh is guilty of perjury, he lied to the committee about his substance abuse problem. Judge Kavanaugh could not get a security clearance. And Senator Graham chooses to support him? There were no such questions about Justices's Sotamayor or Kagan.
So Senator how about you shut your mouth and look for your integrity. I don't know where you lost it, but it is gone. John McCain would be disappointed in you, and so am I.
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