What New?
For 9 months I've been telling people to beware of Mike Huckabee. For Longer than that I've been behind Barack Obama. As Iowa starts to shape up, who are the leaders? That's right. Why?
Well all I did was look for the candidate on each side that was the least like George W. Bush. Thats all the 2008 race is about. I don't believe it to be conscious per say, but all of the public opinion polls since about 2005 have pointed to the American people having serious buyers remorse about W.
No matter what republicans say, they don't like him either. Not the man, apparently everybody likes W personally - I for one would like to test that theory, but I doubt I would be allowed with in a few hundred feet of the man - but the policy he represents. The irresponsibility, after a campaign based on "personal responsibility;" the seeming uncaring response to Katrina, after his claims of "compassionate conservatism;" breading mistrust and contempt in Washington, after pledging "to restore Honor and Dignity." war. War. WAR!
Not that the American People should have believed him, I mean like father like son - broken promises. But things have gotten so bad that the 2008 presidential race started about 3 years early, America has tuned out the president, and we all are lokking for not George.
Enter two values, inspirational, and (for lack of a better word) Purple candidates. Don't get me wrong, Huckabee and Obama are very different, but not in their campaign styles. they are inspirer's. They both can make their audiences listen without having to just tell them what they want to hear. They are change candidates.
Honestly this is the race that I want to see. I think we all might benefit from it. And it could tiurn out to to be the first civil campaign in decades.