Right Matters? not really.
For the past few months I have been noticing really stupid headlines in the mid left corner of the Washington Posts internet front page. They say things like "Obama's Osama Problem" and, today for example, "Grow Up, Move On."
Today's is particularly annoying. I don't know if you have seen the MoveOn ad to which they are referring, but to sum it up: it's a direct address of a young mother with a 3 to 6 month old baby, she talks about the joy of discovering what he can do and how he makes her feel. At the end she asks John McCain if he really wants to be in Iraq for 100 years, and if so he can't have her son for that purpose.
It's a powerful ad, and I don't have children. So the "Grow Up, Move On" link has below it, "do you agree." I want to disagree with the sentiment of this stupid headline, in hopes of doing some small thing to at least make the morons who think these things up work a bit harder. It just takes me to a message board full of dimwits who feel they have to point out that even if Move On was selling more war they would disagree with them because they are a liberal PAC.
I have found the haven for right wingers on the Post website. I wish that I hadn't. Mostly because they just lie and spin, which is just a nice way of saying...lie. The ad is not childish, the ad is thoughtful, emotional, and accurate. One of the lead arguments is that the president 18 years from now will not be "taking" the child, but the child will be choosing to go to Iraq. Well, I hate to break to these dimwits, but there is no tell what the military situation 20 years from now will be. Most estimates say that to continue to execute BOTH 21st Century conflicts an increase in the size of the military will be necessary. The military has not met it's recruiting goals since 2002. The military is essentially, shrinking. When I shoot on military bases, NCO's and PAO's try to recruit the young actors, why? Because there is a CASH reward for getting a recruit. It's that dire.
The reason for childishly belittling the ad is simple, it's effective - as effective as the "bear" ad was for Reagan and the "wolves" ad was for Bush fils. This ad scares the right, and instead of making a cogent argument for why we need to be in Iraq, they wine and complain like children. I mean come on, your suppose to be the "daddy" party, not the "pity" party.
The fact of the matter is, John McCain is not going to win - and to quote Bob Dole "I know it, you know it, the American people know it." Partly because a lot of Americans think Barack Obama is already president. This may not be a good thing, but I'll take it.
Mostly it pisses me off because now is the time that the GOP should be getting their comeuppance. They deserve to be trashed and belittled by the public and the media. I am sorry that John McCain will have to get the brunt of it, he actually might deserve better. But as I say to republicans all the time, "you had a chance 8 years ago to do the right thing - but you went with a idiot, you deserve to lose. Now quit your bitching."
And can you believe this drilling for more oil bull shit? Doesn't anyone know that oil is traded on a world market? We don't have enough to change the price more than 25 to 35 cents...20 years from now!