Here First
I'm going to start posting the weekly recaps of Dream Sailors here first, since I know when they hit the web before everyone else.
Liberal Pragamtic, with horrible spelling. Discussion and venting on the arts, politics, and the future of America.
I'm going to start posting the weekly recaps of Dream Sailors here first, since I know when they hit the web before everyone else.
a friend of mines son died a couple of days ago. i don't know what to say or do. i remember his birth. his smile. his first words. the pride his father had when he looked at him. the love he had in his eyes when he looked at his father. all i know is how awful i feel, and i have no children. i can't imagine the pain and loss - it's too much for such a great friend to have to bare. i wish that i could take it away from him, be able to carry it for a while. why can't pain be portable? there is nothing for me to do, but keep him and his family in my thoughts, and be ready if they need me for anything. it's so fucking sad.
Normally I'm not interested in the day to day doings of one drug addled, over weight, bald, gas bag Rush Limbaugh. I mean who really pays attention to a racist gas bag with a oxiconton problem. I thought that guy was deaf, right? It seemed like such a fitting ailment for a man who loves nothing better than the sound of his own voice. But like Magic Johnson's seeming trouncing of the AIDS virus, Limbaugh apparently can hear again, but that is not my point.
Gomez is back in the states, for one week. Next week. Not here. But they are in Atlanta home of The Hairy Ape's brother. The throbbing disappointment is The Hairy Ape has two, count 'em 2, techs next week and will be unable to reach the musical ambrosia that is The Gomez. As one of my cast mates might say, sad panda.