Secure Your Rights

Liberal Pragamtic, with horrible spelling. Discussion and venting on the arts, politics, and the future of America.

Friday, September 29, 2006


My Mom is depressed. Well, she'd been on medication for years...but I'm talking about politics. She has come to believe that she believes that she is a member of the "Lesser of Two Evils" party (LTE.) She lives in Virginia, the real Virginia - sorry NOVA but you still don't count to the down state people. So as this Allen Webb race gets uglier and uglier, she becomes more and more disheartened.

That’s the plan folks. That is what smear campaigns do, depress the vote. A GOP victory this fall will be built on turning these races into shouting matches that depress both sides, and end up with only the "crazy Christians" going to the polls.

I can feel it too, which is strange because I love a good dirty campaign. The question is: where are the kick ass ads the DEM's used to run in the 80's? Does anyone remember the social security protection ads with the old homeless guy talking about having to eat cat food to survive? Not a pretty thought, and when I saw that ad as a kid I would burst into tears. But that was the point, and it wasn't name calling, it was appealing to the conscience of the electorate - or shaming them into voting for DEM's in order for them to be able to look their children in the eye. Where are those kinds of issue ads? Can't one of these over paid media consultants come up with something that drives home the point that when you break the law and then make your law breaking legal after the fact, you are murdering the morality of the country? Let me try:

1) at rise... woman brushing her teeth. spits. rinses. Speaks to camera.
2) dialogue: I grew up in a nice place. Got married and had children. My husband and I both work so that we can get benefits to cover the whole family. But it was never enough. We told out son he would need to get a scholarship to go to college, or learn a trade. He said he wanted to be an engineer, and that the army was a great place to train. HE enlisted and we were so proud. When he died... (Emotional break)...I started protesting the war. I want them home, all of them. No one should have to experience this...the loss of a child. I guess I never knew it would become...a problem....
3) Pan out, possibly a tilt to a mirror on the wall that reveals this woman in an orange jumpsuit. Iron bars to the right side of her, small cell...isolated.
4) Last line, wide shot, facing camera behind the bars..." family doesn't know where I am..."

Ok, I've never been very good with dialogue (that’s why writing is the only job in theatre I've never had) but the point is to start getting to people, instead of shouting at them. The Democratic Party needs new media people, and it's a damn shame that they have to be told. All of the good artists in this country are Democrats. But for some reason they won't use this resource.

Message to need my Mom. She's a recently retired public school teacher, with socially liberal views, a strong connection to her faith, and plenty of need to get her out of the LTE party and into the DEM party...and statesmanship is the way to go. George Allen can stick his own foot in his mouth...just let him talk about the issues, the people will respond.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I just got back to the office after the Cardin rally at the University of Maryland this morning. Speakers included Ben Cardin, Kweisi Mfume, Paul Sarbanes, the unfortunate president of the Maryland College Democrats, rock star Barak Obama, and...Senator Barbara Ann Mikulski.

I got up early this morning, so I apologize for any disjointed thoughts. I'm not good at counting crowds but the outdoor amphitheatre beside the Stamp Student Union was full. Lots of love for Kweisi Mfume, who was very gracious in his defeat. My boy Josh Rales showed up as well. The entire Democratic ticket seemed to be there (my congressman was not, I guess Chris was busy) and it was a strong showing of party unity.

Barak Obama spoke very well. He really has the folks sense of humor/actual substance thing down, which is nice to see. What I like about Maryland is that the Democrats here talk to union people still. They speak to the working class, because they have been fighting for them in this state and in the federal government for years. This could be one of only a hand full of states where unions matter. Obama also delivered common sense solutions on healthcare (though the common sense solution thing does sound a bit “Arnold Vinikesque.)

That was the message I came away with:
1) We must find a solution to Iraq
2) Universal Healthcare
3) Michael Steele probably DOES like puppies (though I still want to see proof.)

The other thing I got was, that everyone is scared of Barbara Mikulski. And they are right to be so. See stepped up to the podium...literally...she’s like 4'10"...and immediately energized a sleepy crowd, glazing over having just listened to a ineffectual President of Maryland College Democrats who insisted on introducing someone who had not yet arrived (not much of a "think on your feet" guy.) Everyone had something nice to say about BAM, and you kind of got the feeling that if they didn't they would have there ankles bitten off. Hey, that's cool with me. Now in a new Congress, perhaps the DEM's will give her a high profile chairmanship. She got a good bully voice, I'd like to hear her announce the investigations that are sure to come with a Democratic victory Nov. 7.

Guess what...42 Days until the General Election...get involved or get out of the way (and by that I mean, Republicans stay home.)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Bet you wish you were nicer to the old men now

This is when I wonder if this blogging thing is such a good idea. I have made errors in judgment on this blog. Most of the readers wouldn't notice, but a mistake is a have to accept responsibility, shut up, and fix the problem (helpful tip Mr. President.)

However; I think we all know by now that if you are working for a government agency that say...for example...requires a security clearance to enter the building with security information...or a campaign whose every move WILL be scrutinized, just like every other campaign shouldn't blog about your experience. I suggest a old fashioned journal, there are many available at Borders, plus that way if it gets out you get to accuse your opponent of stealing.

Persuasionatrix, you have undone any work that you did for your candidate...smooth move ex-lax.

HOWEVER: I would love to see what kind of crap is being smeared over the net if we were to peak into a blog from the Michael Steele camp. But I'm sure they have "eliminated" those folks.

The real question is whether anyone actually reads Road Diaries of the Persuasionatrix. It could be just like this blog with a readership of...well, not much. You will notice there are no links to the site. Respect, folks, respect. I hope that this incident acts as a wake up call for the Cardin campaign...because if he loses to a candidate this out of touch with the people of Maryland...I'm moving.


We are now 49 days from the midterm elections. Keep an eye on your friends and don't let them screw this up by being morons.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Chris Cillizza has really bad taste, or...

...He's got his finger on the pulse of ABC's TGIF viewership. For the second or third time the Washington Post's "Politics" Blog cheers the Friday Night sitcom promo's that Michael Steele is running as "campaign ads." For some reason Cillizza likes meaningless rhetoric and mugging for the camera...oh yeah...and lies.

"What lies?" Chris Cillizza may ask. Well, furthering the lie that Michael Steele is an outsider or not a lock step Republican for two. How about the lie that Michael Steele likes puppies? Where is the research to back this outrageous claim up? Have you seen a picture of Steele and a puppy? Google it; no pictures of Steele and a puppy.

So if Michael Steele is willing to lie about puppies, what else is he lying about? (Please imagine that this is being said in a very deep voice as black and white pictures of Steele standing with Dick Cheney and President Bush are flashes across your screen.)

Cillizza then has the gall to quote Al Wynn (D-Md 4th) :

Wynn, who is black, replied: "It's a scenario that I don't even want to talk about. 'I wouldn't want to speculate on what such a negative scenario it would be for the party."

Cillizza knows, as well as I do, that Wynn is pissed at the party because it allowed a challenger in his reelection bid. I believe that it is still contested, so He's really the right guy to ask. He couldn't possible want to apply any pressure to the party, no, that would be ridiculous.

But really, it all comes back to these ads for me. They insult the intelligence of the electorate. Seriously. We are not voting for a sitcom, we are voting for one of two Senators! What is wrong with them being contemplative, intelligent, serious, and focused on actual issues. What’s more, Cillizza props up Steele's "promise" to "...ban all gifts from lobbyists to members of Congress and eliminate last-minute amendments to spending bills to reduce pork-barrel spending..." without stating the obvious. To get that kind of legislation passed, we will need a Democratic majority in both the House and Senate...elect Steele and you can kiss that Senate majority goodbye. Once he is in, he will vote for it, if it ever comes to the floor...$100 says that he isn't on a committee that will deal with the issue, and a republican majority will lift hell and high water before they put him in a position to have to deal with the issue.

Change means party change in this cycle. Period. The Republicans announced (that’s right, they Announced!) that they will be funding a huge negative ad campaign this fall. Isn't that enough to vote them out of power on principle? Then to attack democrats for negative campaigning before any target campaigning has even begun? Desperate.

So to sum up. Chris Cillizza is a shill. There is no evidence that Michael Steele likes puppies. Republicans are flip flopping on negative campaigning. Chris Cillizza promotes lies. Al Wynn should probably be voted out next cycle. Michael Steele's show, Running with Mike, will be canceled in November, due to lack of viewers. Chris Cillizza has very poor taste in advertising, wonder what he actually guess...The George Lopez Show...(sigh.)

DISCLAIMER: It has come to my attention that The George Lopez show has been moved to Wednesday night. However, it's replacement, Americans Funniest Home Videos, is also very similar to Michael Steele's ad style...out of touch and might have been effective/funny in the 90's but just went down hill without Bob Saget.

Friday, September 15, 2006

You better be lying to me, little bird.

A little bird told me that Kweisi Mfume refuses to concede the primary in Maryland. I have scanned the Post and came up with nothing. Which is good if it is in fact true, since the last thing the Democratic Party needs is a cry baby.

The last count I saw, Mfume was not going to surge ahead on 12,000 votes. In fact if Mfume got all, every last one, of the estimated 12,000 provisional ballots cast in Montgomery County, he would still be 8,000 votes short of a tie. And one has to think that if Mfume got all 12,000 votes, there would be some kind of investigation. Sorry man, but I know of 20 votes for Cardin in that pile of provisional’s.

So Kweisi, fold it up and get ready to help the party flay Steele. Why do you hate Maryland? Can't we all have a good time beating the republicans around this fall? Just because your name won't be on the front of the invitation, doesn't mean you can't come to the party. So suck it up and concede (yeah, like he reads this) so I can go to my damn event next Tuesday. There, I said it.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I am not criticizing Peter Marks!

Let me say first, I know Peter and I find him to be a fair judge and he has always been very nice to me. Ok, he was very nice to me once, and I know he desires to see the smaller theatres thrive in Washington. Ok, so I am Biased, at least I admitted it.

MB alerted me to this article by Peter Marks in last Sundays paper. So finally Peter has stumbled on to the question that every theatre artist asks themselves after getting settled in Washington. Where is the political theatre?

The banter about it from a collage of artistic directors tells the same tale we've all one wants to see political theatre in this town, because that’s what they do all day. Ok, point taken. I'm sure if I had a job as a singing nanny, hunchbacked king,, I would not want to see my every day on stage.

Here is the thing, theatre and politics are about the same thing, ideas. People come at ideas from different perspectives, they try new things, they try old things a new way, they try old things the same way, tasteful, distasteful, and even fingernails on the chalkboard bad. Theatre has these traits too :)

Could it be that only Aaron Sorkin can make politics as play palatable for politicos? (Let me recover from that alliteration for a second.) Perhaps the theatre community and the think tanks/lobbyists/staffers should get together and inform each other.

I know what you’re thinking,” but then we have to talk to republicans!" Yes, this is true, but we need to anyway. These poor people are being held hostage by a radical fascist leadership - the need some art. They need to be encouraged to question there leaders, even if they are doing so from the opposite wing. We as theatre artist have pushed republicans out of the theatre, (that and their own issues with homosexuality, but that is their own ignorant fault...whoops...suppose to be building bridges) at least I know that I have, but then again, they do have the entire corporate media at their disposal.

Here is the weird thing, Peter is wrong. He just doesn't know where to look. I have directed 4 political plays in Washington over the past 3 years, been in as many, and the best show in Washington this season was Don Juan(which is you didn't see is a shame, it really was good, best I've seen in years...including Tony vacuum Long Days Journey.) And they don't always have poor ticket sales, Bright Room Called Day sold very well, at or near capacity every night.

Perhaps we must look deeper at the political material we select. Satire would seem to me to be the best way to go, everyone likes funny. Farce as well, French doors and banana peels...republicans love a good slip on a banana peel gag. And, for Christ’s sake, mix it up a bit. We have plenty of horrible things to say about the left too don't we? I mean, can we make fun of a party whose biggest rising star was the son of a goat herder? And lets face it, we need to take it upon ourselves to do this because...well...republicans aren’t funny. Sorry guys, stick to war movies and TV about terrorism.

"But Hairy Ape," you might say," what about Drew Carrey, Ben Stein, and Dennis Miller? They seem funny." You have bad taste and are easily amused by fart jokes. Ok, that was mean. The reality is that some scientists have proven that these republican humorists are in fact...not funny. You can look it up. But I imagine a viewing of Miller's show in CNBC, any episode of the cleverly named Drew Carey Show, or anything Ben Stein did after Ferris Bueller (you don't think he wrote that bit himself do you) will prove the work of these humorologists.

So here is the deal. We let you in, you buy tickets. You help us understand the nuance of politics; we help you to be funny. The gay stuff you are going to have to work on, but we might be convinced to let you bring your long as you’re using them to protect patron’s cars while they watch the show.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

And they are off...

Congratulations to Ben Cardin...the next Senator from Maryland! Boo to Montgomery County for screwing up royally. I did not have any problems voting; however I do have some friends that had to fill out the dreaded "provisional ballot."

Let’s get it together in Rockville ok? We don't need any more of this botched election crap. The head of the election board said that it was an honest mistake by devoted hard working people, but come one. They forgot the cards that are used to start the machines! No one forgot the 1/3 sheet of paper saying the Tom Perez was no longer a candidate for the Attorney General Primary, and that would have had no effect. No one forgot the "I voted" stickers, and they are nice, but hardly necessary to complete the voting process. Look, Democratic run states don't need this crap. Republican run states are much better at screwing up the election process...leave it to them.

As we head into the fall landslide, the radical right wing congress is trying to make all of the Presidents illegal activity legal. So stay awake, stay pissed, and keep talking about this stuff. Do this with the solace that next year you will be calling on your congressional representatives to approve or make things happen, instead of the past 6 years of asking them to stop tragic legislation.

55 days left until the midterm elections. Get your Campaign On.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Been gone for a while

And now I am back. Been finishing the rough cut of a movie for the Junior ROTC, ah, fascinating. Seems that getting ones goals straight and the proper use of prioritization will allow you to be anything you want in the world, as well as increase your SAT score by 300 points.

Been suffering from real, honest to god, old fashioned, laryngitis. No cold or anything, my voice has just stopped working. Lots of tea, and lozenges. Hope it ends soon, rehearsal is getting difficult. My bad FDR impersonation leaves me hoarse at the end of every night.

Here is something that hasn't happened to me in, oh, about 20 years. Last weekend I fell off my bike. I was flying down East West Highway toward Beach Drive (if you know the area, it's a wicked steep hill) and I got some road dust in my eye. Usually I ride with sunglasses to prevent this, but there was a light rain and consequently to dark for shades. Trying to get the dirt out of my eye, slow down, and not ride into traffic, I careened into some bushes (a good strategy initially) to provide a soft landing. Unfortunately, at least one of the bushes was a thorn bush. Upon feeling the pain of thorns digging into my hands and arms, I turned the bike a bit, then came crashing to the sidewalk, dragging my elbow. So I have a very interesting "landing strip" wound on my elbow and like 70 tiny cuts on my hands. The elbow is really sucky, it doesn't hurt when bent, but is excruciating when straight, as all the skin bunches up and it is all scabbed and such. On the bright side, I did not get any blood on my white New Orleans shirt, and I finished the ride (the crash was near the beginning.)

Also, for anyone not aware the Ladmiraults are leaving town soon. I had a wonderful dinner with them last Sunday and there humor, hospitality, and talent will be missed sorely.

The Maryland Democratic Primary is Tuesday. 7am to 8pm folks. Know your poling place, and get out there and vote. I have almost made up my mind on the Senate race, then I got my sample ballot and realized how many other minor races I needed to get up to speed on - boy is my internet tired. At least O'Malley is unopposed (as are the judges of the court and court clerk.) It's important to vote in primaries, it's like dress rehearsal for the voter. The more you vote, the easier it is to do it at every opportunity.
