Before I go any further I wanted to put up this list provided by Darksyde at the
Daily Kos:
- VP Dick Cheney - several deferments, by marriage and timely fatherhood.
- Karl Rove, occasional Deputy Chief of Staffand alleged full time smear artist, escaped the draft and did not serve
- Secretary of State and former NSA Condaleeza Rice - did not serve
- Republican Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist - did not serve.
- Republican Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert - did not serve.
- Republican Former House Majority Leader Tom Delay - did not serve.
- Rush Limbaugh - did not serve
- Sean Hannity - did not serve
- Ann Coulter - did not serve
- Bill O'Reilly - did not serve
I'm going to add one of my own: George W. Bush - served with no distinction in the Air National Guard, when he decided that he had nothing better to do and showed up. No that they would let him fly anything when he was that DRUNK.
Now on to the man who should now become the quietest DEM in the party. John Kerry. I know what he meant, you know what he meant, and they know what he meant. The only people that seem to not know what he meant were Fox News, Lou Dobbs, and Wolf Blitzer.
Okay John, I agree the President didn't do his home work, didn't study hard in college (by his own admission,) and he led us in to a quagmire the likes we have not seen since the Johnson Administration. The man does not have the intelligence necessary to perform the job of President. He thinks that he took and oath to "make us safe" so I guess he wasn't listening during the "first I say it and then you repeat me, okay George?" part of the inauguration when he swears to "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." But one would just have to look at his NSA policy or the theory of the unitary executive to know that he doesn't understand that oath.
However; who the hell told John Kerry that he was funny or even allowed to make jokes? I realize when a campaign calls in John Kerry to help them out they are in a sad state, I mean if Phil Angeledes has to bring in Kerry to whip up support, shit...that race is over, but please John, we don't need anymore of your poor ass public speaking.
I know a local theatre professor that was scheduled 3 time to help Kerry out with "speechifying" in 2004, and Kerry canceled/rescheduled every one of the sessions. Now with his copious free time, he has not done any better. John, take some lessons. We in the performance community know all about reversing words and dropped lines, garbled speech, etc...we do it too, but you don't make it to the big stages doing that. You fix it, you work hard, do your home work, try and make yourself the best that you can be, or else you get stuck in Classica Theatre...awe crap.
Fortunately, John Kerry is not running for anything. But he might cost the DEMs Missouri and Tennessee. For those reasons alone, win or lose, he is out. No more money. Release the money you've got now. Don't even think about 2008. John, the jig is up. I will not support you again, and I encourage anyone reading this to follow suit. I will not throw any names out there (though there is a nice son of a goat herder, former first lady, and former Vice President who come to mind) but I will take a stand here and now. They say,"never say never." Well to quote Chris Rock,"I"M SAYING NEVER" again will I support John Kerry on a national level. If I lived in MASS, I'd probably say different - but my guess is that if Romney doesn't run for President, he will challenge Kerry when his term is up, and boy do they like that mormon.