I have two things to get right in my head. Theories, if you will: you know theories like global warming or evolution.
Theory 1: The problem with George Bush is that he does not understand freedom. "But, Hairyape!?" you say,"George Bush is always talking about Freedom, and the latest and most enduring reason for the War in Iraq is Freedom, how could this theory of yours possibly be true?"
Well, I'm glad you asked. On a resent cable news show, which I will not name (but sounds like "Nard Fall") a young delusional from the Weekly Standard claimed that there were a few people left in Washington that still bought the George Bush answer to terrorism. Freedom in the Middle East. Here is the thing. Freedom from what? Our closest ally (Israel does not count in this discussion) in the region is a Monarchy - you know, like the kind we through off to gain our freedom. We have never made any attempt to move the Saud's to abdicate their dictatorship. The people of the Arab nations choose to live by the Koran. Each nation enforces those laws differently, you know, like gun laws in this country. In fact to some of the people we are trying to "free," that freedom might appear to be a violation of there religious rights. And we know what happens in that event, people either sail away to another continent or fight horrible bloody wars from hundreds and hundreds of years. Examples of George Bush misinterpretation of freedom can also be found in his use of signing statements in this country, institution of warrant less wire taps on American citizens, even the TSA arguably limits the freedoms of American citizens. Further, the most basic characteristic of freedom is that it is won. In Romen times it was granted, but never on equal footing, the same goes for this country in the 19th Century visa vi slavery. True freedom is won, and now that we are an occupying force in Iraq, the only people they have to fight for their freedom from is us.
Theory 2: Republicans are cowards. Thats right I said it. The party of national defense, tax cuts, tough on crime, hand guns for everyone, and more military spending are a bunch of pansy's. They are scared of everything. Scared of terrorists (of which I am not,) legal and illegal immigrants, debate (as in the senate debate on the war which they are filibustering, and some how don't smell the irony,) paying for what they use, paying for what they spend, the American people...really...you name it they are scared of it. How did a party with so many cowards get the reputation of being so tough? Beats me, perhaps since they are living lives of perpetual fear, they understand the politics of fear more clearly. Bu that doesn't matter. They are afraid, and we don't need people like that in our government. If they want to be scared of terrorists they should quit government and start their own Bait and Tackle shop in a secluded part of America, where terrorist have no interests and illegal aliens dare not tread. Le me be clear: John McCain - coward, Lindsey Graham - coward, Chuck Hagel - coward (thats right, he is supporting the filibuster,) John Warner - coward, Sam Brownback - Coward, Rudy Guiliani - coward...the list goes on and on. This is not to say that there aren't coward in the Democratic party, there are - it's just that the republicans are all cowards.