Secure Your Rights

Liberal Pragamtic, with horrible spelling. Discussion and venting on the arts, politics, and the future of America.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Weekend Haze

1) 40 minutes on Universal Heath care, when I'm suppose to be celebrating the closing of a show.

2) 20 minutes on Mike Huckabee, when I should be celebrating the closing of a show.

3) Three shows in one day (ok, one was a design run...but still.)

4) At 1:14 am Sunday I realize I have not eaten all day.

5) Jesus is magic. And he just won't go away. Some people just don't want to be told the truth - although the same could be said of James Cameron, I mean Titanic has to be the worst movie to ever win the AA.

6) GORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7) 5 minutes wasted on Hillary Clinton when I was suppose to be celebrating the closing of a show.

8) Snow...I totally could have made it to WSC...but rehearsal is canceled, I study script, read book, and fall asleep, but not until after BSG - union -YES!

9) I declare fellow actor to be a hopeless independent...try and convince him that government works when people believe in

10) Fish Sticks are delicious when you haven't eaten for 40 hours.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Ok, so I'm a lier...

...I have time at work to both learn lines and blog, at least for the next three days. This is really bugging me though, and it is a dangerous territory, in fact it borders on "engaging." I am quite disturbed by the commentary here, and to some extent here. The later is more of a fuel for the fire type thing, where as the former seems to be encouraging some of our demons.

This is the 8th Helen Hayes Awards that has meant anything to me. Which is really kind of a lie, as ultimately how well a show sells is the real test of the performance, I mean that is the business right? That is a longer conversation, and one that I would chose to avoid depending on the company, so back to my real point. I have been disappointed by the Helen Hayes, and I have been pleasantly surprised by them over the 8 years that I have cared. I have taken a flask with me when I know someone I don't think highly of is going to win, I've cheered loudly when a friend has won, and I have listen to people tell me that I was robbed - and that the pre-show slide show was compensation. I've told people that they were robbed, and sometimes I even meant it.

Here is what I'm getting at: This year is a really good overall mix in the nominations. This is what I thought as I read the noms on Tuesday morning. I had more problems with last years nominations (I am not a fan of having over 5 nominees in any category - I'm talking to you Outstanding Actor in a Resident Play!) Frankly with the new Ensemble Award it's kind of hard not to get nominated, and this may be the great equalizer. No one had really pointed out that there is nary an equity company in the mix for the Ensemble Award. There are like 48+ young(ish) actors and actresses that have joined the ranks of the HH Nom by adding one category - if they could only devise a way to get a like category for design I believe that they really will be on track to be the most inclusive awards ever. Which is weird, because the purpose of awards is to single out people from a group, not include everyone, thats just what they are there for.

Anyway, there is not a single new or interesting comment on these particular blogs. I've heard every argument put forward. And for the record, the young companies are responsible for not having an Obie type award, because none of them can agree - everyone approaches it in a manner most advantageous to themselves. I've been involved in these conversations more than once - it's pointless. To get a second award now that the Mary Goldwater's are gone, the smaller companies will need an independent organization.

Lastly, I'm just going to come right out and say it. Musical Theater people - you need to shut up and act professional, stop bad mouthing each other on the internet, behind each others backs, or in the lobbies of theaters. Can't you all be happy that your kind of show sells? When I first started here there was almost no competition in the musical category, in fact some theater's did a musical just because they knew it would get them a nomination. Now there is real competition, and all you do is bicker? Come on.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


...well I guess I was wrong about that last part...

Monday, February 12, 2007

It's probably not going to happen...

...the blogging. Not so much over the next 30 days or so. Reason? I am insane. Continuing on in Rough Magic, which has been selling rather well, and the number of performances are doubling this week. Did I mention that I sprained my left ankle on Friday night, well I did and it sucks. It's totally my fault for not telling the director that if I jumped off the stage to the floor wearing 5 inch heels, I might ge hurt sometime during the run - I was a slave to "wouldn't it be cool if..." and "Whats the matter Hairyape, are you scared?" Not to worry though, I did the Saturday show just fine, oddly I can walk better in the heels than in street shoes with the sprain. It's a level 2 sprain, so I'll probably be okay in a couple of weeks. Of course, I started rehearsal for my next show last Wednesday. Which is a lovely group of people, and a well written piece (sorry Roberto.) But since I'm in a lot of it, I will take my normal blogging time at work to try and learn my lines. Oh, did I mention that that show opens 10 days after Rough Magic closes? Well it does.

I guess memories are shorter than they used to be. This kind of schedule used to be the status quo for me in DC, but I sense a lot of trepidation from folks. Not to worry, I'm actually good at doing two at once - in fact I have always thought that it helps me to work harder and get more done. Probably because there is so much to get straight that my ADD can't get in the way.

So in closing, here is to another year without a Helen Hayes Nomination! Yee Haw!


Thursday, February 08, 2007

Large Voluptuous Breat Lovers Everywhere shed a tear.

I am conflicted over the news of 39 year old money grubber Anna Nichole Smith's death. On the one hand it maybe the most easily explained death ever. I do not foresee anyone asking "Why God? Why?" Mostly because the answers are too clear. For my money, Skyscraper was enough...but the whole marrying someone you knew was going to die just to get his money, might have factored in. The fact that the Supreme Court of the United States heard her case, thus allowing her to enter the chamber, is enough to warrant this catastrophe.

But, I am saddened by the death of her spectacular décolletage. Or that which she had built upon herself. Truly, could anyone really keep that of the list of the 7 greatest wonders of the modern world? It was man-made, and prominently displayed to everyone. I mean really, how could you miss it? I guess we will find out...

Not to be missed? "The Anna Nicole Show 2," "Soft-core Stars of the Judaical Branch," and "Fun Bags: the Musical!" all sadly to die in development with their creator.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Hairy Ape Presents...

...Another thrilling installment of...I Told You Fucking So!

This week we find our mild mannered protagonist filtering through his email, and what should darken his in box door? In bold letters the subject line reads: WOODPECKER. A tensing. What news will such an ominous subject line bring? Has the author gone mental again? Have people been arrested for trying to produce it? Did a certain Woolly staff member get their wish, and the play has died in a fire?

I'm afraid nothing quite so dynamic. For when the email let loose it's message, the news was that the Woodpecker was a Semi-Finalist for the O'Neil Award. And lets just say that a certain blogger with an O'Neil play as his email/blog identity's blurb was still intact from when he wrote it 9 months ago. Not much of what I write gets saved, but that makes me happy.

Congratulations to my friend Brett and his perseverance through all the trials of writing new plays, especially the kind of sick and demented shows he is responsible for - keep it up, and we've got a chance to offend the world!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Freedom from Cowardess

I have two things to get right in my head. Theories, if you will: you know theories like global warming or evolution.

Theory 1: The problem with George Bush is that he does not understand freedom. "But, Hairyape!?" you say,"George Bush is always talking about Freedom, and the latest and most enduring reason for the War in Iraq is Freedom, how could this theory of yours possibly be true?"

Well, I'm glad you asked. On a resent cable news show, which I will not name (but sounds like "Nard Fall") a young delusional from the Weekly Standard claimed that there were a few people left in Washington that still bought the George Bush answer to terrorism. Freedom in the Middle East. Here is the thing. Freedom from what? Our closest ally (Israel does not count in this discussion) in the region is a Monarchy - you know, like the kind we through off to gain our freedom. We have never made any attempt to move the Saud's to abdicate their dictatorship. The people of the Arab nations choose to live by the Koran. Each nation enforces those laws differently, you know, like gun laws in this country. In fact to some of the people we are trying to "free," that freedom might appear to be a violation of there religious rights. And we know what happens in that event, people either sail away to another continent or fight horrible bloody wars from hundreds and hundreds of years. Examples of George Bush misinterpretation of freedom can also be found in his use of signing statements in this country, institution of warrant less wire taps on American citizens, even the TSA arguably limits the freedoms of American citizens. Further, the most basic characteristic of freedom is that it is won. In Romen times it was granted, but never on equal footing, the same goes for this country in the 19th Century visa vi slavery. True freedom is won, and now that we are an occupying force in Iraq, the only people they have to fight for their freedom from is us.

Theory 2: Republicans are cowards. Thats right I said it. The party of national defense, tax cuts, tough on crime, hand guns for everyone, and more military spending are a bunch of pansy's. They are scared of everything. Scared of terrorists (of which I am not,) legal and illegal immigrants, debate (as in the senate debate on the war which they are filibustering, and some how don't smell the irony,) paying for what they use, paying for what they spend, the American name it they are scared of it. How did a party with so many cowards get the reputation of being so tough? Beats me, perhaps since they are living lives of perpetual fear, they understand the politics of fear more clearly. Bu that doesn't matter. They are afraid, and we don't need people like that in our government. If they want to be scared of terrorists they should quit government and start their own Bait and Tackle shop in a secluded part of America, where terrorist have no interests and illegal aliens dare not tread. Le me be clear: John McCain - coward, Lindsey Graham - coward, Chuck Hagel - coward (thats right, he is supporting the filibuster,) John Warner - coward, Sam Brownback - Coward, Rudy Guiliani - coward...the list goes on and on. This is not to say that there aren't coward in the Democratic party, there are - it's just that the republicans are all cowards.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Third Nationally, Number One in Iowa

Did anyone else see John Edwards on Meet the Press Sunday? A surprising number of answered questions. Usually candidates stammer and avoid on Meet the Press - like Joe Biden. Edwards had his share of "there is no answer to that question" 's, but on the whole he did answer yes or no to tough questions. Among them, Homosexuals serving in the military (yes,) Universal Health Care and whether he would raise taxes to do it (yes, and yes,) whether Joe Biden is a moron (an unfortunate no,) and whether Hillary Clinton is a vicious bitch (perhaps the only lie of the interview, no.)

John is always good in an interview, and a prepared speech. I've liked him since 2002 when his Presidential aspirations were first made apparent. My problem with John is that he doesn't do well in debate situations. I watched the 2004 VP debates hoping to see the fresh faced, future of the party candidate knock the socks off of a creepy vampire, dark overlord who wears his disdain for the American People on his evil death mask know as his face. But Mr. Cheney really ran ruff shot over the best looking man in American politics. Worse, when president Bush took a shot at the DEMS nominee, insinuating that John lacked the skills to be president, there was no response from either Frankenstein or the Boy Wonder.

This season John is trying to display a more "pissed off" tone. But I'm not clears as to whether it is real, or just a calculation. It is usually apparent when anyone asks him about the 2004 election. Like Chris Matthews: "Did you like running for VP?" Edwards (wrinkles his face)"Not particularly." And I don't remember where it came from, but Russert ran a clip of someone asking John if he could have beaten Bush in 2004, the answer "Yes." I like pissed off, it appeals to me. Perhaps it makes me feel like the candidates are real people, or that they are just more like me. If it's real, and young John can mix his inspirational rhetoric with a healthy dose of "you motherfuckers have driven this country down a road of self destruction and I am not going to be nice, cause you don't deserve it," then he might be able to pull me away from the almost Super Humanly positive Senator Barak Obama. Best of luck John.