Am I crazy, or...
Ok, before everyone just answers yes to the question, the thing I'm wondering is whether or not Michael Steele’s TV ad in the
First, can we talk about his graphic? I know there are only 5 or 6 people who saw the Shaq movie Steel, but it really looks like the same graphic - only processed with Ulead Cool 3D instead of...well a real 3D FX generator(Maya, After Effects, 3D Studio.) I'm sure it's one of his great ideas to increase "education and opportunity." Second, I really expect that when he looses in November, ABC will put him in the 8:30 slot behind George Lopez, completing the "worst hour of television in television history." Third, he is promising "straight talk about what’s wrong in both parties." Give me a break, being honest about the drag being a republican is on your chances of winning, does not make you any less of a republican or any less responsible for the cornucopia of domestic and foreign relations problems that your party is responsible for, or any less of an idiot. Well maybe a little less of an idiot, but I'm not yet ready to concede that Steele is not an idiot.
When is someone going to ask this guy how he is going to pay for any of the programs he says he supports? Must we really wait for some kind of debate? Get it out there. There are like 15 democratic candidates, I think they should all stop bitching at one another and start asking Steele questions. It doesn't matter who gets the nomination if the democrats pick each other apart. Let’s see who can pick Steele apart the best and nominate that one. Seem fair?
16 days to the MD democratic Primary...72 days the the midterm elections.