Secure Your Rights

Liberal Pragamtic, with horrible spelling. Discussion and venting on the arts, politics, and the future of America.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Does this make you horny? or nauseous?

Honestly How Sexy is this?

I don't know whats worse. A anti-gay gay Senator getting arrested for lude behavior, or that anonymous sex in bathrooms is illegal. When I was at Maryland there was a men's room on the first floor of the Theatre building that was infamous for this stuff. So much so that I was shown it's entry in a guide book to cruising, which the name escapes me. We're talking honest to god glory holes, which the tech deparment would patch with metal plates every couple of months - but damned if the "cruisers" didn't keep prying them off.

Anyway, most of the straight guys just avoided that bathroom. Occasionally I'd be rehearsing really late at night and would figure that no one would be around, and I'd venture in - only to turn right around, due to what I like to call "too many feet in the stall." I was too young to realize that folks were going in there at just that point in the night.

So here is the thing: that men's room was constantly monitored, and I never heard of anyone getting arrested for the goings on within. Believe me when I tell you, I do not want all men's rooms to become the 21st Century bath house - I am fine with them being the 21st Century cesspools that they are - but don't we have better things to do with our time?

Moreover; I was informed by one of my Capital Hill spy's that the whole Sen. Vitter and prostitutes thing was a leak by the white House to secure his vote on Iraq, this looks like exactly the same thing to me. That in no way makes me a fan of Sen. Craig, I think he is disgusting, but I - unlike John McCain - thought he was disgusting before he got in to trouble in Minn. I think the whole GOP is disgusting, and it has nothing to do with sex. They are hell bent on destroying the middle class and undermining the social infrastructure of this country - that my friends is more disgusting that any men's room solicitation (yes even yours Tucker Carlson, and by the way why did you have to go get a friend to come back with you to the bathroom and throw that guys head against the stall? Are you a pussy? No need to answer, I think it's pretty clear.)

Friday, August 24, 2007

Constitutional Bullshit

So I don't know if anyone is paying attention to the huge bullshit coming out of California in the past couple of days, but man does it stink. None of the major news papers have done a fact based article on it yet - I guess because there aren't any facts yet, it's just an idea right now, so here is a NYT's editorial.

I don't know why this isn't being portrayed as what it is: unconstitutional. I see Tim Russert on the Today Show just saying it would be huge blow to a Democrat trying to win the White House - but no discussion at all about how this is not a right given to the states (Article 10.)

The manor for electing a president, the process in total, is specifically laid out in the constitution, Article 2. It can be amended by the congress or a constitutional convention. California can not just decide to not follow the constitution, for any reason.

This is probably just a way to make the Democratic party waste millions of dollars in California before the actual election in November of '08 - but it could be a short term plan for a GOP victory in an election year that heavily favors the Democratic party. I say short term because even if California votes approve this electoral vote splitting and it becomes California law, the Supreme Court will knock it down - but probably not until 2009 or 2010, well after Mitt Romney or Rudy Gulliani have already started to fuck our country up even more, and in the formers case I'm sure I'll be living in a religious re-education camp and will be unaware that it was overturned at all.

Everyone knows that California is the "crazy" state. Thats why we love California. And everyone knows that since George H.W. Bush won his presidency no Republican has won California. But it would be wrong to assume that it is completely safe for Democrats. The Republicans in California are, in my opinion, "the craziest" of the crazy Republicans. They find all kinds of shifty ways to effect California, recall anyone? They know the state law, and they know how to manipulate the one huge majority in California - the Nut Jobs.

I fall in with Barbara Boxer on this. Except that I don't believe in a popular vote for the presidency. If we are to change the way we elect a president, I believe that it must be done through a constitutional convention - not congress, and certainly not through the white house - that should be convened right after a presidential election and recessed right before the following midterm. 2 years should do the trick, and if there can be no solution in that time the constitution would remain unaltered and the process would have to be tabled until after the next presidential election.

Politicians would go a lot farther if they stopped just trying to win, and started thinking about America's well being.

Monday, August 20, 2007

OK, I've had enough

So I sat on my over sized purple couch on Sunday morning and watched the Democratic debate on "This Week with George Stephanopoulos." Normally I am a devote of "Meet the Press" but I heard on Friday That the guest for Meet, Face the Nation, and Fox Sunday (like I'd ever watch that) would Turd Blossom, I promptly canceled the TIVO for Meet and switched.

Here is what I've had enough of:

Dennis Kucinich - I, like many I know, always get Dennis the menace as my "ideal" candidate when I take those stupid "candidate machine" things. He sounds good I guess, but he does not have the political maturity to be president. He's the dork who thinks he has the best ideas for class president, but can't garner the support to lead the class. Presidential elections are about leadership, Democrat's have had a tough time in the past couple of cycles picking a strong leader - in context of the GOP nominee. Not as hard this time around - unless Dennis is the nominee. Dennis wants to lead, and for that I applaud him; however, he doesn't have the skills to do so, he does not have the charisma, he doesn't have the pulse of the country. The real damage that Dennis is causing is the impression that he makes on undecideds that watch the DEM debates - cause he's not drawing the votes that "net progressives" seem to think he should be. I mean is he even competitive in Ohio? Time for Dennis to go.

Mike Gravel - At first I loved him. Crazy, loud, and had nothing to lose. Now he's just crazy. I really don't know what he's talking about most of the time - something about empowering the American people to become a co-equal policy branch in concert with the government. So he wants a constitutional convention - great get organizing - but that is not a platform for president of the United States. Moreover, you don't win the DEM nomination by screaming an yelling - that the other party. It was fun Mike - now go back to selling crazy in Alaska.

Chris Dodd - that a fly on your sculpted hair? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........

Lets get it down to fewer candidates. I know Obama has only agreed to 8 debates, but perhaps if the field was shrunk a bit he'd do more. Or we just wait for Obama or Edwards to walk away with the Iowa caucus and revisit debates in New Hampshire or South Carolina. Either Biden or Richardson will be about ready to pack in by then (either tired, 3 straight 5th place finishes, or out of cash,) and we could see 1 state a piece for the big three (Edwards/Iowa, Clinton/New Hampshire, and Obama/South Carolina.) At least that would be fun for me.

I would like to thank Chris Dodd for pointing out (one of the few times he did not put me to sleep) the real issue surrounding Pakistan and Gen. Musharraf. He is the only thing standing in the way of a radical Islamic state in control of nuclear weapons (notice I do not use the fake word "islamist," this is not a word and only neo cons use it- so add it to the list of what I've had enough of.)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

I have a long memory

About a year and a half ago I wrote a letter to the Washington Post. The title was "A Senate Panels Duty on NSA." I imagine if you read this blog, you have already read this letter. However, here we are with a new congress, a Democratic majority (admittedly slim,) and a floundering president who's approval rating is worse than my hit percentage in Halo 2. Yet still, our leaders seem to think they need to spy on us to keep us safe.

I have been told that there are "things I don't know about..." and that I should trust my government. I have a problem with this. For the last 6 years it has become more and more clear that our government has deceived us. Banking bills, Medicare prescription drug benefits, and tax rebate that became an advance that we were then taxed on again, No Child Left Behind leaving every child behind, and don't forget the 800,000,000,000,000,000,000 gorilla in the room...Iraq. I could go on.

The government owes us, the people, an explanation. The government's right to secrecy should be put on hold until it proves that it can be trusted. So whether Democrat or Republican, I don't trust you if you've been in Congress more than 4 years. In fact it might be worth considering expelling all representatives and senators who have served more than one term. I know what your thinking, "my god! that's gonna kill the profitability of the paid speech market!" Well, it's a small price to pay.

The republican party has been successful in their ultimate goal - proving that government doesn't work. The problem is that no one is pointing out that it's the republican party that broke it. I'd like to institute a national you broke it you bought it policy. If you break government - you have to pay for it, with your seat in Congress or presidency if necessary.

Now back to my point, the recent vote to continue and expand spying on Americans (otherwise known as warrant less wire-tapping) is just as shameful this time around as it was in 2006. However, this time it may effect how I vote - talking to you senior Senator from Maryland.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

In Bloom

I think I have officially lost all my mirth. I am starting to hope that what I will remember about the Bush presidency (soon to be known as the dark ages) was how tired I was. tired all the time. It takes a lot of energy to stay this pissed off for this long.

In fact, I am so tired at this point - I didn't even shout out a "hurray" when old Turd-blossom announced his resignation yesterday. (hey turd-blossom is the presidents nickname for Rove, not mine - I prefer each his own.) I can't even think of anything to say about Turdy B. I'm really that tired.

I can't help but think it isn't good when a man responsible for so much ill will, division, gay bashing gets to part on his own terms in a very homo-erotic, teary rose garden press conference; instead of the handcuffs, which would probably have led to the tears and homo-eroticism anyway.

You see what I mean, all I can come up with is calling Karl Rove gay. Pathetic. I wish I have the energy to rehash all the stuff this guy stands for, how repugnant it is, where he should stick it, etc. I'm too tired. This may be Turdy B's greatest accomplishment - exhausting his enemies.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


The war of the corneal ulcer is over. during the last month and a half I have gone from this:

to this:

to this:

And wow, I never knew that corrective lenses could be so comfortable. I've been a slave to the gas-permeable lens too long. It's not the surgery, but the last two days I have made my first pain free drives to work in years.

On the other hand, now that I see clearly - this country is more of a mess than I thought it was. Damn.

Monday, August 06, 2007

I missed the whole thing

For the second year in a row I have missed the Fringe Festival. That is not entirely true - last year I saw one puppet show, and not the one at Theater Alliance. So that and a "hey whats up" from Scot McKenzie is the sum and total of my fringe experience.

I did loan a prop to a fringe entry this year. So at least I participated - and I did have a 5 minute discussion of said show with Peter Marks at the opening of Refer Madness (hey that's fringe too right - okay I did see a fringe show) but I understand that he did not see it, nor did he send anyone to review it. Which seems odd, as he seemed very excited about it. Though I do think he though I was someone else until I took off my glasses. Who I don't know. Long hair, thick black glasses, brown pants, plaid shirt, immediately connected me with SAS, and at the Studio for an opening? Maybe he thought I was Skidmore? Gallu? Cassi Platt?

Regardless it got cleared up.

So I guess I am the quintessential Washingtonian now. Summer comes and I check out. I really need to change that. I don't even know what to be fed up with politically. Though I am pretty upset about that bridge in Minnesota. I think I drove on that bridge while I was on tour. On the other hand most of the information I got about it was my CNN time from 5:30 am to 6:00am before call time to go shoot this godforsaken movie.

So really, I'm still missing the whole thing.