I had an encounter with a party insider a few months ago. Over a few drinks we discussed the Senate race in MD. Well, actually the DEM field. At the time I believed that Ben Cardin was a lock for the nomination (and the seat if that was the case) and he responded with a tortured face and agreed. "You don't want Cardin?" I asked. "Vanilla," he graoned. He wanted any of the 7 (at the time, it's up to 15 now) to be intersting or dynamic.
So today I went through the issue sections of three DEM's seeking the office and that of Lt. Governer Steele. I am concerned that in light of the poll released reciently placing
Kweisi Mfume ahead of
Ben Cardin for the DEM Nomination - and then projecting a statistical tie between Mfume and Steele in November-Mfume is not on the issues. He has no secion on Energy Independence and his enviromental stance is poorly worded rhetoric. In fact, none of his issue statements are of any consequence at all. He states a problem, says he will fight it, but offers no information on how.
To contrast,
Josh Rales (who's signs I've seen sprouting in
Montgomery County) has very detailed plans, questions, answers, reasons the whole bit. I was thinking, "hold the phone here, this guy is a real DEM and he knows what he's talkinging about..." Then I heard him speak. This guy makes John Kerry look like Johnny Carson. Love his ideas, but he will be seen as weak, studdery, and charismaless.
Cardin. Vanilla. No energy policy either. A laundry list of accomplishments, but no real plans or agenda. He may have been talked into to thinking that the seat was his by the MD DEM party. They were wrong, so I would suggest that Cardin needs to get his progressive act together - or he'll be left out in the cold. His website is the best put together of the three.
Steele - I can't believe that I looked at his issue statments. Everything boils down to cutting taxes and increasing spending. How's that worked out so far Mike? Maybe you can move to Illinois and run for Senate there, that seems to be the thing to do when you can't hold political office in Maryland anymore. And take
this guy back with you.