Secure Your Rights

Liberal Pragamtic, with horrible spelling. Discussion and venting on the arts, politics, and the future of America.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

I was wrong again; Steele is just and idoit.

And a liar, and a moron, and bad for Maryland. Can't Maryland agree that the second in command of this awful administration should not be allowed to sully our states name by bring his brand of retro policy to the federal level. Steele, Ehrlich, Bush, and the Republican Party have brought us with in 5 years of a new Great Depression and really, not even the business community wants that. Let’s get together and say no to the fiscal policies of the twenties.

I'm reading the new Jonathan Alter book The Defining Moment - which has really opened my eyes to how FDR became the best President since Lincoln. If there are any DEM candidates out there that haven't read it, they should. FDR was slipperier that Bush, plus he was smart. He was as "elitist" as Kerry, but won the support of the poor and working class in America (by the way he rewarded them by creating the Middle Class.)

In the book Alter details the economic structure of America prior to the New Deal, and as I continue through it, it becomes increasingly apparent that the GOP uber plan is to roll us back to that structure. The danger of that is that: 1) 30% of our population will die of starvation or lack of healthcare. 2) A Banking collapse even more catastrophic than during the Depression. 3) The collapse of Capitalism (not the worst thing in my opinion, but what will replace it? Fascism?) 4) The US will no longer be able to solve it's own problems, much less the problems of the world.

The good news is we will have no use for oil; we won't have a change of affording it. And since all of the chemical companies will be bankrupt, no more pollution - and since we will need to hunt and fish to keep ourselves alive - that's great.

Here on Secure Your Rights I will be referring to the GOP and "The Party of the Past" from now on. Here is to November and a casting out of the idiots (from both parties re: Joe from Connecticut.)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Steele shows glimmer of intelligence; is still and idiot.

Oh daddy. If you didn't catch Dana Milbank's Washington Sketch column yesterday, well here. Now Steele thinks this will endear him to his state. I think he is a flip flopper on the Republican Party. And if he can stand by his own Party, then what makes you think he will stand with Maryland?

What a Jack Ass. But I guess for him that’s better than being a Pachyderm.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Unity '08, what a bunch of sad losers...

I got the info from Chris Cillizza's Post Blog like a two months a go. What a interesting concept, a unity party for '08 - a center party if you will - could be a really good thing for the country. Then I read the site today. I gave it some time from when I first checked it out, for it to develops some topics and gather a bit of history.

So looking at it today, it appears to be a secondary GOP website. Aside from some nut bag, who is pushing John Edwards, the dominate top of ticket support goes to: John McCain and Newt Gingrich. NEWT GINGRICH!!!???!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?-WTF?!?!?!?!?!

Idiots! Wake up! Newt is not now, nor has he ever been centrist. He is Stalinist. Seriously. Newt wants executive control of the military, and to dismantle the Federal Government. Electing a centrist is not electing your favorite candidate. Whoever these guy are running this thing need to brush up on there web skills and remove these people from the discussion. You guys are already a joke, and you haven't been around for more than a couple of months.

Please, if you are going to try and steal votes from the two major parties, and lets face it - DEMs are more reasonable people so your going to be going after more of the them than GOPers - then have the decency to at least make it a worth while discussion. Right now, your message boards look like...well, everyone else’s.

I am in favor of a centrist majority to keep the lunatics on the right (and the left) in check. To stop nut job executives from hamstringing medical progress because of an irrational minority view. The rights of the minority are not the question, they should and are protected, but the minority rarely drives the national agenda in the way that it has for the past 6 years. IF the concession I must make to keep that from ever, EVER, happening again is to support a centrist majority, divided government, or ask hard questions of my parties primary candidates...then so be it.

The great thing about divided government (or a centrist majority) is that real debate on issues that matter is the result. Our Congress has been a joke for 12 years; the greatest debating body in modern history has been reduced to chicken and egg presentations and an endless debate on gay marriage. November can't come soon enough.

President Waking Up?

Seems our "Dear Leader" has woken up a bit and realized that if he went much further he might be tarred and feathered by the American People. The sweet, sweet details of retracted statements can be found here. It's not much, but it maybe gives a glimmer of hope for the future DEM takeover that will rock this country in 2006 and send us spiraling into a prosperity we haven't known since...well...the 1990's.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Who cares what I think of the French?

I was polled by Zogby last week - I get the monthly internet questionnaire - and aside from Josh Rales showing up in the polling questions for the first time, the newest questions were a series of questions on the French.

Are you kidding me? I thought we were done with this crap. Does anyone really care if a candidate likes French food, speaks French, or watches the World Cup? These questions were obviously put on the poll to see if calling DEMs "French" would help GOPers in the fall.

I will be very candid with you. I don't mush care for France. I was there once in 1991, and I wasn't very impressed. I don't speak French, and have no real love for French food. My parents love France - including my Republican Dad - so I think this issue is, well, bullshit.

So for any DEMs out there looking to counter the conservative claim of "frenchiness," how about a unified "maybe you should be thinking about this country…asshole." Last part optional, but encouraged.

Sunday, watched Josh Bolton (no administration should have two officials named Bolton) on Meet the Press. I see why they brought this guy in, he know...sane. Tim asked him about Tony Snow's comments that the President sees embryonic stem cell research as "murder." 15 minutes of parsed words ensue. No one will own anything! Look if you think it's murder, say so, don't hide behind your "tar baby." 2 minutes later disillusionment kicks in to full gear. Fortunately rehearsal fro The Woodpecker begins and I feel much better. More on the best play I have read in 3 years coming in the future.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

President Protects Life By Championing Death!

Now it's personal (right like it wasn't personal before.) George Bush is trying to kill me. My grandfather and great grandfather both died of complication due to Alzheimer’s. The latter’s complication was a shotgun in the mouth - the former had his shotguns taken away by a loving more educated family that knew what was happening. But basically, given the amount of aluminum in the deodorant I use, I'm headed down the "long goodbye" road, and our loving President has "decided" that I'm not worth it.

George "HITLER" Bush thinks that it's ok for these stem cells to be used to turn a profit for private business, but oh lord--don't let the greatest scientists in the world at NIH get there hands on this stuff, cause they might actually get something done. Our own President "Georgosivic" had the gall to do this while being surrounded by families that adopted embryos (what no one says is that these families paid at least $3000 to private fertility clinics, per fertilization session.) So when the President says "They remind us of what is lost when embryos are lost in the name of research," he must mean $3000 a pop, huh.

Genghis Walker Bush is now on my personal shit list, again. This has gone from ideological to personal. I have had you threaten my happiness by stealing an election, you've threatened liberty by listening to my phone calls, and now you are going after my life. REVOLUTION.

Back Around

Back from a jaunt to the depths of our federal government...a bit sunburned, very tired, and have seen way to much stuff I really didn't want to see.

Let me jump right- WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED? I go away for a week and the world exploded into absolute chaos. Hezbollah and Israel have broken out into all out war, and we can't even get our citizens out of Lebanon! Katrina anyone? The logistical nightmare continues with this administration, and this time it's rockets, not water, that they can't get it together to save out citizens from. To quote a friend of mine form years past "ARGLE BARGLE!" (I think that's Gargamel too.)

You know, it seems to me that every time the United States is bogged down in an unpopular war, Israel jumps right in a starts another war with Lebanon. This is very similar to the 1968 conflict in its timing. I am not suggesting that Israel started this conflict. Hezbollah started it, but should the people of Lebanon suffer the consequences? If you hurt innocents trying to get to the bad guy, does that not make you the bad guy too?

The United States is responsible for this behavior. This is the model that we developed in post invasion Iraq. Therefore; we are morally obligated to change our model and lead the way for our allies to the high ground. We need to make our responses more surgical, smaller, accurate...eventually develop an anti terror response that targets these extremists the way they target us. It is time for new leadership, and since we can not change our own "decider" of another few years, then the change need to come at DOD. We must have a 21st Century thinker as Secretary of Defense, not the best military mind the GOP had in 1975.

Being a liberal does not mean you have to be anti defense, or in some cases war. It's about how the response is calculated. Liberals will try any idea that might work; conservatives will just keep using a system that worked at one time, until they have turned it into a complete failure (see Herbert Hoover.)

Before I go, here is a nice what if that a friend sent me.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Off Line for a bit

The Hairy Ape is off to a "geometrical building which would like to remain anonymous" to make a movie for the next week or so.

I will also use this time to do something, which for those that know me, is rare and difficult. I made a mistake a few posts down (it's gone now) and wanted to publicly (if that’s what this is) say that I was wrong - though I do believe my heart was in the right place. But that doesn't matter when it could damage others. We have a whole 51% of the country that thinks that way and I would prefer not to be counted among them. So I'm not going to get anymore detailed about that, but to say that I am sorry, fix the problem (I hope,) and change course.

When I return. Sorry no stories on this shoot. If I told you what I was doing, then I would have to...yeah...think I'll spend sometime on why the economy is not nearly as good as Bush and the billionaire club want you to believe it is...

Monday, July 10, 2006

Someting new is the matter with Kansas

I never thought I would think of Kansas as the place where people would come to their senses. It's interesting, maybe not all happy news though. But these Kansians have finally understood what is great about the Democratic Party, thats worth appreciating.

Friday, July 07, 2006

For the Maryland Readers

I had an encounter with a party insider a few months ago. Over a few drinks we discussed the Senate race in MD. Well, actually the DEM field. At the time I believed that Ben Cardin was a lock for the nomination (and the seat if that was the case) and he responded with a tortured face and agreed. "You don't want Cardin?" I asked. "Vanilla," he graoned. He wanted any of the 7 (at the time, it's up to 15 now) to be intersting or dynamic.

So today I went through the issue sections of three DEM's seeking the office and that of Lt. Governer Steele. I am concerned that in light of the poll released reciently placing Kweisi Mfume ahead of Ben Cardin for the DEM Nomination - and then projecting a statistical tie between Mfume and Steele in November-Mfume is not on the issues. He has no secion on Energy Independence and his enviromental stance is poorly worded rhetoric. In fact, none of his issue statements are of any consequence at all. He states a problem, says he will fight it, but offers no information on how.

To contrast, Josh Rales (who's signs I've seen sprouting in Montgomery County) has very detailed plans, questions, answers, reasons the whole bit. I was thinking, "hold the phone here, this guy is a real DEM and he knows what he's talkinging about..." Then I heard him speak. This guy makes John Kerry look like Johnny Carson. Love his ideas, but he will be seen as weak, studdery, and charismaless.

Cardin. Vanilla. No energy policy either. A laundry list of accomplishments, but no real plans or agenda. He may have been talked into to thinking that the seat was his by the MD DEM party. They were wrong, so I would suggest that Cardin needs to get his progressive act together - or he'll be left out in the cold. His website is the best put together of the three.

Steele - I can't believe that I looked at his issue statments. Everything boils down to cutting taxes and increasing spending. How's that worked out so far Mike? Maybe you can move to Illinois and run for Senate there, that seems to be the thing to do when you can't hold political office in Maryland anymore. And take this guy back with you.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Driving Security into the ground

Here is a national security issue that no one will touch. NASCAR is a serious threat to National Security. I am damn serious! Oil is upwards of $75 a barrel, gas is =$3.00 a gallon, and in each race 30 dudes drive 500 miles in a circle. A CIRCLE! How is the US suppose to kick it's addiction to oil when at least a quarter of the country wastes it's time watching people drive in a circle. Can't they all just watch horse racing?

It may seem like a joke, but this is the first sacrifice that needs to be made, no specifically NASCAR, but all of the wasteful entertainment that Americans indulge in. Car racing, urban sprawl, McMansion building, sky diving, night baseball and football (exceptions for Super Bowl and World Series,) obsession with lawn care and grooming, add to the list at your leisure.

I want someone to come out and face the fact that even with all the other options NASCAR may well represent the single most serious internal threat to this countries security, economically as well as tactically. But no one will. Democrats are desperately seeking the way to sway the "NASCAR dad's" vote, think this would go over well with them?

And since the Republicans still have to get rid of all the "brown" people in this country or stop other "brown" people from owning our ports (or allowing them to depending on the Republican) I can't see them alienating the base. So I openly appeal to NASCAR...please stop hurting America. The most patriotic thing you can do is to shutdown until you can find a way to have your races using some other kind of fuel. You guys are big on the patriotism so I will expect you to undertake this mission of National Importance gladly and that you would never think of it as an attack upon you personally, but that you have been offered to set a patriotic example for the rest of the country.

On your mark....set....go!

Satanic Nipple Piercing

Here is a list of things that have inspired me to Satanincally Pierce my Nipples.

1) The Dceiver. Natch.
2) Ken Lay gets off scot free.
3) People are still talking about Ann Coulter, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
4) N. Korea prematurely exjaculates, World goes crazy.
5) Election fraud in Mexico (well, not really a suprize, but when looked at in context...)
6) FBI co9mputers breech by consultant.
7) It feels so good....
8) GWB, I think it's about as opposite position as possible - unless I did it gayly.
9) Iraq just keeps rolling.
10) Sounded like a good title for a show at the "shach" nex year, dibs on the title DCeiver.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Bob Samuelson is a Jerk Face

This is a first draft of a letter to teh editor of the Post is responce to this Op-ED today. I haven't decied if I'm going to send it or not.

(In his op-ed of July 5, 2006 (Global Warming’s Real Inconvenient Truth) Robert J. Samuelson brings little to the table other than what he is complaining about. He addresses the fact of Global Warming as un-winnable fight (as one could derive about the War on Terror) and offers no new ideas to the conversation.

Those who recognize the facts about global warming (that it exists and must be dealt with) have already conceded that this is an engineering problem. Curbing our current emissions and energy use is part of a larger solution, something that everyone can do to assist in the pursuit of an answer. Is Mr. Samuelson suggesting that while we search for an engineering answer to global warming (hydrogen based power, more efficient solar power, or some yet to be discovered base) we do nothing? That is not an answer, and is a very pessimistic stance.

The truth is that Mr. Samuelson knows, as all Global Warming naysayer’s do, that the action necessary to counter the fact of Global Warming will require an “Apollo” like project, government funded and requiring more tax dollars, in a word sacrifice. Mr. Samuelson suggests that the American people are not willing to sacrifice. That politician’s will never suggest that they sacrifice. I would be willing to concede the latter, but the former must first be brought to the American people – Mr. Samuelson is no better position to make this judgment than I am, but at least I believe that it should be brought to the people instead of just giving up. If there is one thing that Americans will not accept, it is throwing in the towel. And that is all there is to Mr. Samuelson’s commentary.